Oprah Winfrey  Jesus did not come to die for our sins, but to teach us “Christ consciousness”  There is no sin, salvation, heaven, or hell If so, there.


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Presentation transcript:

Oprah Winfrey  Jesus did not come to die for our sins, but to teach us “Christ consciousness”  There is no sin, salvation, heaven, or hell If so, there is no need for the blood of Christ

New Testament Lord’s death had an immediate impact on a variety of subjects a.Earth, Mt.27:51 b.Dead, Mt.27:52-53 c.Living, Mt.27:54 (Centurion) d.Sky, Lk.23:44-45 e.Veil of temple, Lk.23:45

f. Spectators, Lk.23:48 g. Joseph, Lk.23:50-54 h. Disciples, Jn.20:19…; Ac.2… i. Enemies, Mt.27:62-66 j. Death, Rv.1:18 – Describes the death of death in the death of Christ “All heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, all hell terribly afraid of it, while men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning”

Various motives prompt obedience Acts 8:32-35 (Is.53) I. Our Obedience Fear of hell, Mt.10:28 Hope of heaven, Col.1:5 Love, Jn.12:32; 1 Jn.4:19

2 Co.5:14 – For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died Motivation; purpose Power; compulsion Sacrifice; basis and cost of salvation

having … Faith: let us come near (22) having … Hope: let us hold fast (23) Love: let us consider (24-25) II. Our Assemblies, Hb.10 Boldness, 19f 4:16; Lk.23:45 Great Priest, 21 4:14 Heart sprinkled, 22; 9:14 Body washed, 22 (baptism)

 Not limited to assemblies: Hb.13:…12…15-16 Mt.2:11, Gentiles; long journey; rich gifts; voluntary Mt.28:9 III. Our Worship

Assemblies for worship – Prayer, Acts 4:27 Preaching, 1 Co.1:23 Lord’s Supper, 1 Co.11:24-27 Giving, 2 Co.8:9 Singing, Hb.2:12 (Ps.22)

IV. Our Humility Mk.8:31-33, 34 Self-denial: linked to His cross Opposite of “I did it my way” Mk.10:45 He came to serve He came to die for others

Phil.2:1-4  “Let nothing be done” (3) V.2: “Don’t even think…”  Lowliness counts others more significant than self (3)  “Look out for”: be continually concerned about; care for (4) Mk.10:35-40

Phil.2:5-11  We can think like Christ (5)  Includes total... Submission (6) Did not insist on rights Surrender (6-7) 2 Co.8:9 Rich – poor Poor – rich Sacrifice (8) Ultimate contrast to majesty

I. Our Obedience II. Our Assemblies III. Our Worship IV. Our Humility V. Our Submission

1 Pt.2: Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake…

1 Pt.2: Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh – Servants (household slave, domestic slave generally) – Become subject, obey

1 Pt.3:1-7 1 Likewise you wives, be submissive to your own husbands... 5 For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands

1 Pt.2:21-25  Christ, our supreme example Not just submissive, but to death Not just death, but suffering Not just suffering, but w/o threats or retaliation Bearing our sins

Modern attitudes:  “My rights”  “Not fair” “He came to pay a debt He didn’t owe because we owed a debt we couldn’t pay” Where were His “rights”?