“TEAMING up with Nutrition” Sports Nutrition for Team Sports Kelly Pritchett, PhD, RD, CSSD Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics Assistant Professor in Nutrition & Exercise Science Central Washington University kkerr@cwu.edu
The WINForum was created to help coaches, trainers, parents, teachers and student athletes understand the value of good nutrition for peak athletic and academic performance.
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Why You?? An athletes #1 source for nutrition information is their COACH Coaches can play a major role in developing healthy eating habits for life Coaches can help athletes make nutrition a priority
So What’s in it for Me??
Athlete Nutrition Overview Benefits: Enhanced recovery Best weight Reduced risk of injury and illness Energy Confidence Consistency Lifelong benefits A well-chosen diet offers many benefits to all athletes, irrespective of event, sex, age or level of competition Enhanced recovery within and between workouts and events Achievement and maintenance of an ideal body weight A reduced risk of injury and illness Confidence in being well-prepared for competition Consistency in achieving high-level performance Enjoyment of food and social eating occasions Lifelong benefits
Athlete Nutrition Overview Common challenges: Athlete Nutrition Overview Lack of knowledge Poor choices when shopping or dining out Busy lifestyle Access Supplements and sports foods Many athletes do not meet their nutrition goals. Common challenges include: Poor knowledge of foods values and inadequate cooking skills Poor or outdated knowledge of sport nutrition Poor choices when shopping or dining out Busy lifestyle – “not enough time” to buy or eat appropriate foods Overuse of supplements and sports drinks Poor availability of good food and drink choices Indiscriminate use of supplements and sports foods
The Sports Nutrition Game Plan – Make it Work for You! Accurate up to date sport nutrition information- written by sports RD’s Handouts easy to use and directed towards performance Reminds players the importance of fueling and hydrating before, during and after exercise 4. Updates are available on www.WINForum.org www.WINForum.org 8
General Nutrition Tips 1. Eat every 2-3 hours 2. Get lean protein at every meal 3. Eat healthy fats every day. Limit trans fats and fried foods 4. Pre-, during, and post-training/game nutrition is actually one big meal, and it is the most important meal of the day 6. Eat vegetables at every opportunity 7. Drink fluids
Energy Filled Eating Plan Meals and Snacks < 3-4 hours apart Breakfast Snack Lunch Dinner Snack if hungry Breakfast Snack Lunch Dinner Snack (optional, are you hungry?) **Time meals and snacks no more than 3-4 hours apart** Eat the most when you need the most (during the day) Choose high carb, mixed with protein foods Choose baked or grilled, not fried Do not skip breakfast, then pack all your calories in at dinner. Research has shown that athletes who skip meals and eat larger meals at the end of the day tend to weigh more, have lower muscle to fat ratios, and don’t perform as well as their counterparts who spread their meals throughout the day. 10
Breakfast: Build a base Jump-start your metabolism > 1/3 of your calories Did you know? People who skip breakfast tend to have a slower metabolism Eat 1/3 (or more) of your calories at BREAKFAST Quick ideas (3 or more foods): Whole grain bagel w/cream cheese and fruit Granola and nuts cereal w/ milk and fruit Toaster waffles with peanut butter, milk and fruit Microwave egg sandwich, fruit, granola bar 11
Carbohydrate Protein Some healthy fat What’s Next? Lunch! Carbohydrate driven with protein and a little fat What foods are good sources of Carbohydrate? What foods are good sources of Protein? Where do we find fat in our diets? Meal should be carbohydrate driven with protein and a little fat 3 or more foods Turkey bagel sandwich, mango, yogurt, granola bar (200g) Chicken burrito, berries, milk (180g) PB and J, low fat yogurt, banana Ham and cheese rollup, juice, wheat crackers 12
Snack Attack Low in fat, high in carbs! String cheese and fruit Boost sport drink Fig Newtons Crackers + Cheese Trail Mix Peanut Butter Pretzels HB egg with Bread Sports Bars Low-fat muffin and skim milk Microwaved egg (1.5 min) on English muffin Fruit and yogurt with whole wheat bagel Yogurt with granola Toaster waffle w/ peanut butter and jam 13
Dinner Carbohydrate driven meal with lean protein and healthy fat + lean protein & healthy fat Divide plate into thirds Samples: Salmon, green beans, brown rice, milk Chicken and veggie pasta, green salad, milk Carbohydrate driven meal with lean protein and healthy fat Divide plate into thirds- 1/3rd starch, 1/3rd fruits and veg, and 1/3rd protein Samples: Salmon, green beans, brown rice, milk Chicken and veggie pasta, green salad, milk Quinoa salad, steamed broccoli, yogurt parfait 14
Energy from Glycogen Glycogen is a form of energy stored in muscle and liver tissue that is excellent for many sports activities Race car analogy Glycogen Liver and Muscle 15
Carbohydrates #1 Source of Energy for Your Muscles and Brain (Bagel, pasta, fruit, dairy) Glycogen (stored) Glucose (energy in use)
Carbohydrate recommendations Carbohydrate is primary energy source for high intensity training Diet should be high in carbohydrate (CHO) 60-70% of total caloric intake 6-7 g CHO/kg BW Choose complex over simple CHOs: Whole grains Beans Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn) Rice Pasta
GOOD CARBS vs OCCASIONAL CARBS Whole Grains Dairy Pasta Rice Potato Corn Fruits Veggies Watch for: THE “C” WORD Chips Cookies Candy Cakes Crispy Stuff Creamy Stuff Coke Carbohydrates are the number one fuel for the body. The best CHOs to fuel sports are those that contain little fat and provide add’l nutrients
Pre-exercise Nutrition The Pre-Exercise Meal: Individualized Varies depending on type of sport Trial and error is important Magic Meal?? No right/wrong choice
Pre-exercise Nutrition 4 h prior: 4g CHO/kg of body weight 1 h prior: 1 g CHO/kg of body weight Why is it important? Prevent low blood sugar (fatigue & dizziness) Fuel your body Satisfy the mind To settle the stomach by absorbing gastric juices Top off glycogen stores Help subside hunger
Pre-exercise Nutrition Guidelines Eat familiar foods Experiment before practice NOT games Queasy stomach? Try liquid meals Nervousness? Eat well the day before Limit high fat proteins Limit sugary foods Allow time for digestion Hydrate!! Liquid meals empty stomach faster. Sugary foods can cuase diarrhea –fructose in gatorade
Pre-Exercise Meals 1 Banana with 1 Tbsp of peanut butter Trail mix with nuts and dried fruit Instant oatmeal with low fat milk English muffin with cheese ½ whole grain bagel with peanut butter ½ cup of dry cereal with low fat milk 1 apple with string cheese Low fat yogurt and granola Smoothie- mix milk or juice with fresh or frozen fruit Energy bars (power bar)
Game On! Nutrition During Exercise Replace fluid losses Use online sweat calculator Drink fluids Maintain blood glucose 30-60 g CHO/hour = 16 oz+ Gatorade/hr Eat snacks Replace fluid losses and maintain blood glucose for performance Use online sweat calculator 30-60 g CHO/hour = 16 oz+ Gatorade/hr Eat snacks provided at half-time Drink fluids throughout the game For more information, go to WINForum.org 23
Should I eat during practice or games? Consume 30-60 grams of Carbohydrate per hour during competition A banana, and 2 cups of a sports drink A sports bar, and water 4 cups of a sports drink 2 sports gels ½ bagel, and 1 cup of a sports drink 1 to 2 bananas 1 slice bread & honey/jam
Post-Exercise Nutrition for Recovery “To maximize recovery, consume carbohydrate & protein within 30-60 minutes after workout” First 2 hrs after exercise – Very important!! Repair muscle damage Replace muscle & liver glycogen (energy stores) Replace fluids and electrolytes Consume high carbohydrate foods (50-100g) Add some protein to the post-exercise meal CHO:PRO ratio (~ 3:1, 4:1)
Post-Exercise Meals Bowl of cereal, milk, banana Turkey sandwich, 8 oz sports drink 1 c of beans and rice Peanut butter and jelly sandwich 2 Tbsp peanut butter & banana, 8 oz. sports drink 6 oz yogurt, 1 apple, granola bar 1 whole what bagel, 2 Tbsp peanut butter 8 oz smoothie Low-fat chocolate milk is a great recovery beverage!
General Recovery Guidelines Within 30 to 60 minutes after exercise: 50-100g Carbohydrate 6-20g Protein OR 3:1, 4:1 24 oz fluid/pound lost Whole/real foods preferred!
Chocolate milk: An effective recovery aid? Why? Readily available Relatively inexpensive Similar kcal content as carbohydrate replacement beverages CHO: PRO ratio Provides fluids, sodium High in calcium Chocolate milk is composed of cocoa plus monosaccharides (glucose, and fructose), and disaccharides (lactose), while most commercially available recovery beverages consist of monosaccharides (glucose, and fructose), and complex carbohydrates (maltodextrin). Low fat chocolate milk has, a 4-to-1 carbohydrate: protein ratio, similar to many commercial recovery beverages. In comparison to many carbohydrate-electrolyte beverages, chocolate milk packs substantially more carbohydrates per 240mL. Its also provides fluids and sodium (in rehydration replacing sodium is crucial) (Clapp et al., 2000.) which needs to be replaced due to sweat loss during a workout. Chocolate milk is also high in calcium necessary for building and maintaining strong bones and a major constituent involved in muscular contraction.
Fluid Guidelines Cool fluids before, during and after activity Before: 20 oz fluid: 2-3h prior to event 1 oz = 1 swallow/gulp During: Drink on a schedule: ~8 oz every 15 minutes (NATA) After: Weigh before and after exercise : Drink 16-24 fl oz of fluid for every pound lost 1 cup = 8Oz
Choosing Fluids Flavor and temperature important Plain water may not be enough if exercise lasts longer than 60 minutes or if multiple events in one day Electrolytes and blood sugar need replacing Sports drinks encourage drinking Opaque water bottles encouraged ** Avoid high sugar drinks – absorbed more slowly, increase stomach cramps and nausea 4-8% CHO solution Undiluted fruit juices - too much carbohydrate causing GI discomfort Athletes not used to hot weather must be aware of the need to make some changes to their routine: It may be necessary to modify the warm-up and reduce the amount of clothing worn to prevent over-heating and excess sweat loss before competition begins. Extra fluids may be necessary, and cool fluids may be specially welcome, so insulated drinks bottles can help. Sports drinks contain calories: too much can upset the athlete’s energy balance, so this must be part of the overall eating plan. 4-8 % CHO solution per 8 0z – gatorade about 6%.. Fructose can cause GI discomfort
Top Game Day Mistakes New foods Poor hydration Energy drinks Too much food Too little food Trying new foods Not staying hydrated Consuming energy drinks Eating too much or too little food
Am I eating the right foods? Use this checklist: 3-5 Fruits (tennis ball) 3-5 Veggies (1/2 cup) 3-4 Dairy (1 cup or 1.5 oz) 3-4 Meat Protein Servings (3- 4 oz) 8-14 Grain Servings (1 slice, ½ cup) A couple extras (cookie, salad dressing) 32
How to remember serving sizes… By comparison: 1 cup dried cereal = baseball 3 oz cooked meat = deck of cards Small baked potato = computer mouse ½ cup = tennis ball 1½ oz cheese = 3 (1 inch) cubes 2 tbsp peanut butter = 1 golf ball
Nutrition on the Road TIPS: Plan ahead Eat on the go Non-Perishable Graham crackers Vanilla wafers Granola bars Fig/fruit bars Pudding cups Dried fruit Dry cereals Canned tuna Cereal bars Perishable Fruit Yogurt String cheese Juice boxes Bagels Low-fat milk Sports drinks Deli meats Plan Ahead Eat and drink while on the move Choose wisely! Supplement with non-perishable items from home Planning ahead Investigate food patterns and availability at your destination before you leave home. This may help you to plan useful food supplies to take on your travels that can replace missing and important items. Contact the catering organisers at your destination to let them know of your needs for meal timing and menus. Make an eating plan for travel that incorporates the best of the available food supplies (e.g. airline catering, restaurants en route) as well as self-supplied snacks. 2. Eat and drink well while on the move Recognise that enforced rest while travelling will reduce energy needs, but create more opportunities for high energy intake if the athlete succumbs to “boredom eating”. Be aware of eating to real need. When moving to a new time zone, adopt eating patterns that suit your destination as soon as the trip starts. This will help to adapt your body clock. Be aware of unseen fluid losses in air conditioned vehicles and pressurised plane cabins. Have a drink plan that keeps you well hydrated. 3. Be wary of food and water hygiene Find out whether it is safe to drink the local water supply. If risky, stick to sealed bottles of water and other drinks or hot drinks. Be wary of ice added to drinks – it is often made from tap water. In high-risk environments stick to food produced in good hotels or well-known restaurants. Avoid eating food from local stalls and markets, however tempting it is to have an “authentic cultural experience”. Stick to food that has been well-cooked, and avoid salads or unpeeled fruit that has been in contact with local water or soil. 4. Choose well from local cuisine and supplement with non- perishable food supplies brought from home Some ideas for portable supplies for travelling athletes include: Breakfast cereal and powdered milk Cereal and breakfast bars Rice cakes Spreads – honey, jam, peanut butter Powdered sports drinks and liquid meal supplements Sports bars Dried fruit and nuts 5. Use clever tactics in restaurants, all you can eat dining halls and when choosing takeaways Stick to an eating plan based on what is normally eaten at home, or what meets new nutritional needs, rather than being mesmerised by all the food on offer. Be assertive in asking for foods to be prepared to your needs – for example, with low-fat cooking methods, or with an added carbohydrate serving. Avoid hanging around in restaurants or dining halls for entertainment – it can often lead to unplanned and unnecessary eating. Remember that your normal eating patterns probably involve well-timed and well-chosen snacks. If your new catering arrangements provide only for main meals, ensure that the menu at meals includes some items that can be taken away for snack needs.
Healthier options at concession stands Sports drinks Juices Lemonades Smoothies Pretzels Fruit ices Frozen yogurts Deli sandwiches Hamburgers Cheeseburgers Vegetarian pizza Soft pretzels Grilled chicken sandwich
Getting the TEAM involved! Decorating water bottles Team breakfasts or dinner Team grocery shopping outing Team goals Everyone eats breakfasts Everyone drinks 2 water bottles of water at school Do NOT let goals be weight oriented
Remember to Individualize Don’t give advice on weight loss or gain to the team as a whole: needs vary among every player Example: Heaviest vs. Lightest Seahawks Heaviest = Paul Fanaika (G) Lightest = Deon Butler (WR) Ht: 6’5” Wt: 327# Age: 25 Ht: 6’5” Wt: 327# Age: 25 Approximate total Needs = 5,550 calories/day Approximate total Needs = 3,650 calories/day
Winning at Losing 38
What’s a Healthy Way to Gain Muscle?
Healthy Muscle Gain Add 300-500 calories per day Eat frequently Include pre- and post- exercise snacks with protein Add an extra 300-500 calories per day by adding a snack or increasing your portions Make sure that the extra calories are low in fat, you want to avoid fat gain Eat frequently; don’t go more than 3-4 hours without having a snack or meal Make sure to include pre- and post-exercise snacks that contain 10-15 grams protein Ex: Low-fat chocolate milk, PB&J sandwich, trail mix, etc. And of course: Work out to build the muscle
What About Supplements? Supplements are not recommended; a well balanced diet will provide the needed vitamins, minerals and protein needed for performance Creatine has not been tested for safety in high school students so it should not be used Be sure to inform players of lists of banned substances for WIAA and NCAA Supplements are not regulated by the FDA so they may contain harmful or banned substances
Supplements Explained Supplements are not recommended; a well balanced diet will provide the needed vitamins, minerals and protein needed for performance Creatine has not been tested for safety in high school students so it should not be used Be sure to inform players of lists of banned substances for WIAA and NCAA Supplements are not regulated by the FDA so they may contain harmful or banned substances
Cheat Sheet TOP 5 Winning Nutrition Tips Eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks every day Eat 3 foods at meals Need to combine carbohydrate, protein, and fat Combine at least 2 macronutrients at snacks Eat breakfast every day Make sure it is enough Eat every 3-4 hours during the day
The Coach’s Role Be a role model of good nutrition Present a consistent message Provide access to healthy foods and resources Invite a dietician to talk to your team Don’t give up!
Where to go for more info: WINForum : www.winforum.org American Dietetics Association: www.eatright.org MyPlate: www.choosemyplate.gov PowerBar: www.powerbar.com For more information, go to WINForum.org
Use your WINForum Sports Nutrition Game Plan… to WIN!