A Question What would be your reaction if a person told you that, given a choice between two congregations to attend, a doctrinally incorrect church that.


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Presentation transcript:

A Question What would be your reaction if a person told you that, given a choice between two congregations to attend, a doctrinally incorrect church that loves and a doctrinally correct church that does not love, he would choose the doctrinally incorrect church?

I I Must We Be Part Of A Local Church? Yes 1 Co.12:7…14…27, body (14-26) Body does not say anything about their relationship w. other churches The body of Christ is NOT composed of churches individualsChristians Church universal is composed of individuals (Christians) As the church universal can be com- pared to a body, so can a local church 1 Co.6:19-20 / Ep.2:21-22

What is Paul saying? Not the body (as if Cor. is the whole) Not a body (as if one among many) But body that each of you composes head 21, head (not Christ; illustration) body 27, body (an illustration) Each Corinthian is to this local body what each member is to the physical body

Application Members applies to all individuals who compose the congregation at Corinth Individually expresses the diversity of each member in the congregation Whatever gift each has is used for the good of the body A severed limb dies Hb.10:24-25, implies a known group

I Must We Be Part Of A Local Church? II Does The Lord Care About The Church I Fellowship? Mt.16:6, 12, does doctrine matter? Gal.... 5:7, influence me? 2 Jn.9-11, influence others? May I encourage others in error? May I encourage others to attend where error is preached?

I Must We Be Part Of A Local Church? II Does The Lord Care About The Church I Fellowship? III Answers To The Introductory Questions * Doctrinally incorrect w. love, or * Doctrinally correct w/o love

1. False dilemma “Must choose between accurate church w/o love and inaccurate one w. love” – Not the only possible choices One can choose a church that is doctrinally correct but “w/o love” and not jointly participate in the sin Sardis, Rv.3:1-5; Philippi One can choose a sound church w. Love (Rv.2:8-10) One can encourage repentance Ephesus Rv.2:1-5

2. False definitions True love obeys (Jn.14:15) Absolute commands Absolute commands are either obeyed are they are not. (Baptism) Directional (relative) commands Directional (relative) commands are obeyed in degrees. (Love, Mt.5:48; 1 Th.4:9-10) There is no such thing as a perfect church (directionally) This is not the same as rebellious church

Question: “How are we different from unsound churches? Our people are not perfect” No church is “perfect” (people) A church can avoid unauthorized activities

3. False Fellowship A man who joins church that is doctrinally incorrect... Participates Participates with (endorses) the church's sinful activities (Ep.5:11) Encourages Encourages people to be a member, which means that they also will share in the unauthorized activities Has no stopping place A loving Baptist church / Catholic

4. False charges Preachers reject doctrinal lessons Reason: “they cause division” Blame those who demand authority, not... who introduce innovations 2 Tim.2:17 M. Music and Miss. Soc. divisions Blame those who sought NT authority? Those who push innovations over the consciences of those who cannot participate, cause division

Attitudes And Issues *I insist on mech. music in worship… Forbids your singing *I insist on misuse of church funds… Forbids your giving *Foods, days: Ro.14; Ga.4:9-11 *Lean toward premillennialism; do not teach it; willing to study Contrast Tit.3:10-11

I Must We Be Part Of A Local Church? II Does The Lord Care About The Church I Fellowship? III Answers To Introductory Questions IV How Some Choose A Church

Some choose a church because of... 1.Its building, or the size of its attendance 2.Popularity or reputation alone. Rv.3:1 3.Tradition (what they have always believed or done) 4.Morals alone 5.Personal preferences / pleasure

Personal Preferences * Preacher speaks only 20 minutes * Church demands light, non- controversial, all-positive lessons * Non-traditional practices –New traditions