I I The Current Situation 59% of year olds believe the Bible is relevant to their lives 53% of that group reads the Bible less than once a year or never 80% of these kids say their faith is very important to them; 34% are absolutely committed to Christianity (80% want to go to heaven; only 34% want to go to church)
II II Why Do Some Call The Bible Irrelevant? 1. It’s old, out of date Eating is old (Gn. 2:9) Work is old (Gn.2:15) Love is old (Gn.2:18-24)
2. It doesn’t address modern concerns The exodus does not connect to our world of , jet travel, and transmission repairs… 1 Co.10:1-12
3. Unbelievers reject the supernatural Voltaire The Bible contains, by far, the best documented text of any volume in human history If we reject the Bible, we must reject all of ancient history
Antony Flew “My one and only piece of relevant evidence [for an Aristotelian God] is the apparent impossibility of providing a naturalistic theory of the origin from DNA of the first reproducing species... [In fact] the only reason which I have for begin- ning to think of believing in a First Cause god is the impossibility of providing a naturalistic account of the origin of the first reproducing organisms.” In 2006, he joined 11 other academics urging British government to teach intelligent design in public schools
4. Other interests Lk.18:24-25 Hb.11:24-25 III The Bible Is Relevant When…
1. We are riddled with guilt Gn.37…42:21 Ro.3:19, guilt Ro.3:23, the bad news The Bible does not leave us there: Ro.4:7; 6:23 2 Tim. 3:1-5
2. Our marriage is crumbling Ps.128:3; Pro.12:4; Ec.9:9 Problems enter Blessings can become curses Solution: *Lay right foundation: Mt.19:3-6 *Treat spouse as yourself, Mt.7:12 *Avoid the destructive duo: neglect and selfishness, 1 Co.7 *Love is the key, Ep.5:23-33
3. Men disappoint us Ps.41:…9 Ahithophel, a kind of Judas Heel implies injury and contempt Jn.13:18 Hb.13:5-6
4. Anxiety conquers peace Ph.4:6-7 Col.3:12-17
5. Physical difficulties Remember Job’s condition Remember God’s conclusion (Ja.5:11) Ps.23:4 – Walk through Shadow Evil
6. We are nearing death We are but tenants and... shortly the great Landlord will give us notice that our lease has expired (Jefferson) Ec.3:11, eternity Capacity for eternal things We want something to surpass our present existence Ja.4:14, vapor…
Questions Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What will happen to me after I die? The Bible becomes the only thing in the world that is relevant Ps.50:9-13 Lk.12