I. The Facts
1. We are growing older. Gn.18:12. Hb.8:13 2. We will die. Hb.9:27 3. We will be judged. Hb.9:27 4. We will reap what we sow. Ga.6:7-8 Life is uncertain, Death is sure, Sin the cause, Christ the cure –Anon.
I. The Facts II. The Focus
After we die, what really matters? Had lot of money Well respected Never wasted anything Never hurt anybody Good worker Could say same of rich fool (Lk.12) Jn.9:4 Hb.11:10
I. The Facts II. The Focus III. The Funeral
2 Samuel 1 Dt.10:6, changing of the guard 1 Sm.20:18 Mt.14:12, gone but not forgotten Lk.16:22, life’s reversals Elegies for rich man Disdain for Lazarus Impossible to convince the living of their reverses
2 Samuel 1 Dt.10:6, changing of the guard Mt.14:12, gone but not forgotten Lk.16:22, reversals Ac.5:…10, tragedy Some funerals: he was a member of human race For some, death = salvation Some think they live only to themselves
2 Samuel 1 Dt.10:6, changing of the guard Mt.14:12, gone but not forgotten Lk.16:22, reversals Ac.5:…10, tragedy Ac.8:…2, triumph You must preach his funeral; what to say? 1.Good worker. 2.Humble. 3.Loyal to truth. 4.No grudges. Could they say these things about us?
What will be said about us? Friendly or grouchy? Pr.18:24; Ep.4:2 Worker? Ep.4:28 Held grudges? Ep.4:31-32 Christian? Ep.5:26 Servant? Ep.6:7 Student? Ep.6:10, 16-17
I. The Facts II. The Focus III. The Funeral IV. The Farewell
1. Eccl.2, sorrow of death Leave all Leave all to one who may squander it Futility: all this work for nothing? King and pawn Nebuchadnezzar Isa.14 Nebuchadnezzar Isa.14 Pharaoh Ezk.31:15-18 Pharaoh Ezk.31:15-18
1. Eccl.2, sorrow of death 2. Eccl. 7, school of death 1-2, joy in delivery room, sorrow in funeral home? 3, visit to funeral home 4, wisdom prepares 5, strength yields to weakness “Men have been helped to live by remembering that they must die”
1. Eccl.2, sorrow of death 2. Eccl. 7, school of death 3. Eccl. 12, signs of death 1-7, reminders Life is temporary; this won’t take long 2 Co.5:1; 2 Pt.1:13 1 Sm.20:3
1. Eccl.2, sorrow of death 2. Eccl. 7, school of death 3. Eccl. 12, signs of death 4. Eccl.12:13-14, success over death The final answer 1. Fear God. Pr.1:7. 2. Obey God. 3. Meet God. “When you fear God, you fear nothing else; if you do not fear God, you fear everything else” Look ‘above the sun’ The climax of Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes prepares us for the Judgment Power of God God the Creator Immortal soul Man is accountable to God Eternal, universal Judgment Rewards and Punishments
Questions for Paul (Ph.1:21-23) living 1. What are you living for? (21-22) waiting 3. What are you waiting for? (24) dying 2. What are you dying for? (21, 23)