Lk.12: , Girded: belted. 1 K.18:46; 1 Pt.1:13 35, Your (emphatic) lamps burning 36, men who wait… 37-38, His generosity 39, change of illustration 40, application I. Duty Of Loyal Watching
41, Peter’s question: 42-48, Jesus’ answer 43, faithful & wise steward 43-44, (so doing); blessed; promoted In this manner, thus, so Present; do, keep, carry out
The cursed servant, Says in his heart – wrong standard Master is delaying – wrong approach Beat – wrong treatment Eat, drink – wrong motivation
1. Lord finds him unprepared, 46 Cut in two: dismemberment of con- demned person Figurative: part of parable’s imagery He survives after being cut in two Punish w. the utmost severity (LSJMG) Extreme punishment (Chrysostom) 1 Sm.15:33Dn.2:5Hb.11:37
2. Portion w. unbelievers, 46 (Jn.3:36) 47, he knew; didn’t prepare; many stripes Rejecting exceptional privileges invites exceptional punishment Lk.10:13 Dt.25:2, according to his guilt
A reporter is beaten w. many stripes A reporter is beaten w. few stripes 1. Did both suffer to same degree? 2. If yes, why use different words? 3. How could we say it to express degrees? [Ro. 2:6; 2 Co.5:10] PunishmentDegree PunishmentDegree
48, he did not know; few stripes “The passages seem to so teach. In fact, so far as we are able to see, justice demands degrees in punishment. But we should do our best to escape all these degrees, for the lightest will be greater than any one will want to bear” – R.L.Whiteside Hell is hell in any degree
II. Abuses Of These Passages I. Duty Of Loyal Watching
1. Figurative language Figures do not diminish meaning “Beat the daylights out of” Jesus comes as a thief Jesus distinguishes between degrees of punishment, not duration
2. Ignorance excuses sins No! 1. Ignorance can be willful and sinful (Mt.13:13; Jn.3:19-20) 2. Even true ignorance is never absolute Jews Jn.15:22; Ro.2:17f Gentiles Ro.1:20f; 2:14-15
1. Ignorance can be willful and sinful 2. Even true ignorance is never absolute 3. A servant can know his master’s will (Lk.12:47; Ep.3:4; 5:17) 4. God will judge them for knowledge they have (Ph.3:15-16; Ja.4:17)
3. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing So is a lot of knowledge if it does not serve God Ja.4:17
4. Balance scale judgment Jesus judges His servants according to the condition in which He finds them No earlier faithfulness can deliver them from present unfaithfulness Lk.12:45, begins Ezk.18:24, turns away
1.Figurative language 2. Ignorance excuses 3. Little knowledge is dangerous 4. Balance scale judgment 5. We can guess when He returns Faithfulness is not guessing when He returns, but staying w. the job Lk.12:46, when he is not aware… Jesus has answered Peter’s question Who needs to fear?