0 Regular –AR Verbs Vocabulary Flashcards By: Malinda Seger Coppell High School Coppell, TX.


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Presentation transcript:

0 Regular –AR Verbs Vocabulary Flashcards By: Malinda Seger Coppell High School Coppell, TX

1admirar to admire

2amar to love

3arreglar to arrange, fix

4ayudar to help

5bailar to dance

6bajar información to download information 50%complete

7bañar to bathe

8borrar to erase

9buscar to look for

10cambiar to change

11caminar to walk

12cantar to sing

13charlar to chat

14cocinar to cook

15comprar to buy

16contestar to answer

17cortar to cut

18criticar to criticize

19dejar to allow, to let, to leave behind

20descansar to rest

21desear to wish

22dibujar to draw

23enseñar to teach

24entrar to enter

25enviar to send

26escuchar to listen (to)

27esperar to wait (for)

28esquiar to ski

29estudiar to study

30explicar to explain

31fumar to smoke

32ganar to earn, to win, to gain

33gastar to spend

34gritar to scream, to yell, to shout

35hablar to talk, speak

36invitar to invite ¿Quieres ir A mi fiesta?

37imaginar to imagine

38lavar to wash

39limpiar to clean

40llamar to call

41llegar to arrive

42llenar to fill (in)

43llevar to take, carry, wear

44llorar to cry

45mirar to look (at), to watch

46montarride, (a horse, bicycle)

47nadar to swim

48necesitar to need

49pagar to pay

50patinar to skate

51peinar to comb

52pintar to paint

53practicar to practice

54preguntar to ask

55preparar to prepare

56quitar to take away

57regresar to return

58reciclar to recycle

59respetar to respect

60respirar to breath

61sacar to take out, to take (photo)

62saltar to jump

63saludar to greet

64secar to dry

65terminar to finish, to end

66tocar to play (a musical instrument)

67tomar to take, to eat, to drink

68trabajar to work

69usar to use, to wear

70viajar to travel

71visitar to visit

72 ¡EL FIN!