Land Evaluation of Trahtemyrivsky Hunting Reserve Land Evaluation of Trahtemyrivsky Hunting Reserve Against Key Game Species Distribution Criteria Using Multispectral Satellite Landsat TM 5 Imagery Using Multispectral Satellite Landsat TM 5 Imagery (extracts from The Institute for Community Development Kyiv 2011
NHunting area typeHunting area subtype Eurasian elk Deer Fallow deer Roe deer Wild boar Hare Grey partridge 1 Coniferous forest (pine, spruce, fir, and larch) 1.1. Seedlings Saplings and middle-aged stands With undergrowth, underbrush and subshrubs No -" Ripening, mature and over-mature stands With undergrowth, underbrush and subshrubs No -" Deciduous forest2.1. Seedlings Saplings and middle-aged stands 2.2.1With undergrowth, underbrush and subshrubs No -" Ripening, mature and over-mature stands No -" Mixed forest3.1. Seedlings Saplings and middle-aged stands No -" Arable land 5.1.Gardens, plough-land, vineyards, etc Cropland with a sparse network of shelterbelts Meadows6.1. Dry meadows Marshy meadows Marshes 7.1. With less than 20% of shrubs Overgrown (more than 20% of shrubs) Overgrown by perennial herbaceous vegetation Gullies 9.1. With less than 20% of shrubs Overgrown by trees and shrubs Classification of hunting areas according to site quality classes in right-bank forest-steppe zone According to the order of the State Forestry Committee of Ukraine 56,