Vocabulaire 9.1 Français I
2 Tu as passé un bon week-end? Did you have a good weekend? Did you have a good weekend?
3 Oui, très chouette. Yes, super. Yes, super.
4 Oui, excellent. Yes, excellent. Yes, excellent.
5 Oui, très bon. Yes, very good. Yes, very good.
6 Oui, ça a été. Yes, it was OK. Yes, it was OK.
7 Oh, pas mauvais. Oh, not bad. Oh, not bad.
8 Très mauvais. Very bad. Very bad.
9 C’était épouvantable. It was horrible. It was horrible. P.U.!!!
10 Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé (hier)? What happened (yesterday)? What happened (yesterday)?
11 Nous avons parlé. We talked. We talked.
12 Qu’est-ce que tu as fait...? What did you do... ? What did you do... ?
13 D’abord,... First,... First,...
14 Ensuite,... Then,... Then,...
15 Après, je suis sorti(e). Afterward, I went out. Afterward, I went out.
16 Et après (ça),... And after (that),... And after (that),...
17 Finalement / Enfin,... Finally,... Finally,...
18 Tu es allé(e) où? Where did you go? Where did you go?
19 Je suis allé(e).... I went.... I went....
20 j’ai fait I did / I made I did / I made
21 j’ai pris I took I took
22 j’ai vu I saw I saw
23 j’ai lu I read I read
24 déjà already already
25 bien well well
26 mal badly badly
27 n(e)... pas encore not yet not yet
28 acheter to buy to buy achète achetons achètes achetez achète achètent Grandma’s Boot
29 apporter to bring to bring
30 chanter to sing to sing
31 chercher to look for to look for
32 commencer to begin; to start to begin; to start Faites attention! Faites attention! –This is a regular –cer verb. That means everything is just like any other regular –er verb except the nous form: –nous commençons Add the cedille to soften the “c” sound. Add the cedille to soften the “c” sound.
33 déjeuner à la cantine to have lunch at / in the cafeteria to have lunch at / in the cafeteria Remember, breakfast is the only meal that doesn’t have its own verb: Remember, breakfast is the only meal that doesn’t have its own verb: –prendre le petit-déjeuner
34 dîner to have dinner to have dinner
35 gagner to win; to earn to win; to earn
36 montrer to show to show This verb is easily confused with the verb, monter, which means to climb. Notice that “to climb” in French has no “r” after the “t.” This verb is easily confused with the verb, monter, which means to climb. Notice that “to climb” in French has no “r” after the “t.” Vanna montre les lettres! Vanna montre les lettres!
37 oublier to forget to forget
38 passer un examen to TAKE a test to TAKE a test Faites attention!!! Faites attention!!! “to pass a test” = réussir à un examen “to pass a test” = réussir à un examen réussir is a regular –ir verb réussir is a regular –ir verb
39 rater le bus to miss the bus to miss the bus
40 rater une interro to fail a quiz to fail a quiz
41 rencontrer to meet for the first time to meet for the first time Faites attention! Students like to leave out the underlined letters above. Faites attention! Students like to leave out the underlined letters above.
42 répéter to repeat to repeat to rehearse to rehearse to practice music to practice music répète répétons répètes répétez répète répètent Grandma’s Boot
43 retrouver to meet with to meet with
44 travailler au fast-food to work at a fast-food restaurant to work at a fast-food restaurant Remember, voyager means “to travel,” not travailler. Remember, voyager means “to travel,” not travailler.
45 trouver to find to find
46 visiter to visit a place to visit a place In order to say, “to visit” (a person), use the verb expression, rendre visite à. In order to say, “to visit” (a person), use the verb expression, rendre visite à. rendre is a regular –re verb. rendre is a regular –re verb.
47 une fille a girl a girl
48 un garçon a boy a boy