Vocabulaire 2.1 Français II
2 Bienvenue chez moi. Bienvenue chez nous. Welcome to my house. Welcome to our house.
3 Faites comme chez vous. Make yourself at home. formal
4 Fais comme chez toi. Make yourself at home. familiar
5 Vous avez fait bon voyage? Did you have a good trip? formal To make this informal, change the Vous avez to tu as.
6 Merci. Thank you.
7 C’est gentil de votre part. That’s nice of you. said to a person with whom you use vous This is the response for “Faites comme chez vous.”
8 C’est gentil de ta part. That’s nice of you. said to a person with whom you use tu This is the response for “Fais comme chez toi.”
9 Oui, excellent. Yes, excellent.
10 C’était fatigant! It was tiring.
11 Pas trop fatigué(e)? (You’re) not too tired? Add the extra –e if you’re talking to a girl / woman.
12 Vous n’avez pas faim? Aren’t you hungry? To change this to the familiar, change Vous n’avez pas to Tu n’as pas.
13 Vous n’avez pas soif? Aren’t you thirsty? formal To change to the familiar, change Vous n’avez pas to Tu n’as pas.
14 Non, ça va. No, I’m fine. Adding merci after non would be polite here.
15 Si, je suis crevé(e). Yes, I’m exhausted. Remember, si is used to contradict a negative statement or question. Add the extra –e if you’re a girl / woman.
16 Si, un peu. Yes, a little.
17 Si, j’ai très faim (soif)! Yes, I’m very hungry (thirsty)! American French speakers want to use a form of être here because we say, “I am hungry.” but in French you say, “I have hunger.”
18 Si, je meurs de faim (soif)! Yes, I’m dying of hunger (thirst).
19 Est-ce qu(e) + S + V...? Used to ask a question “Is it that...?”
20 Alors, on se tutoie? Shall we use the tu form with each other? se tutoyer