Vocabulaire 1.3 Français II
2 Qu’est-ce qu’on fait? What should we do? What should we do?
3 Si tu veux, on peut.... If you like, we can.... If you like, we can....
4 On pourrait.... We could.... We could.... (This is the conditionnel présent tense.) (This is the conditionnel présent tense.)
5 Tu as envie de... ? Do you feel like... ? Do you feel like... ? avoir envie d(e) = to feel like avoir envie d(e) = to feel like You could replace the “d(e)” and whatever follows it with the pronoun en (which would go in front of the verb). You could replace the “d(e)” and whatever follows it with the pronoun en (which would go in front of the verb).
6 Ça te dit de... ? Does... sound good to you? Does... sound good to you?
7 D’accord. OK. OK.
8 C’est une bonne / excellente idée. That’s a good / excellent idea. That’s a good / excellent idea.
9 Je veux bien. I’d like to. I’d like to.
10 Je ne peux pas. I can’t. I can’t.
11 Ça ne me dit rien. That doesn’t interest me. That doesn’t interest me.
12 Non, je préfère.... No, I’d rather.... No, I’d rather....
13 Pas question! No way! No way!
14 Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire...? What are you going to do What are you going to do... ?... ?
15 D’abord, je vais.... First, I’m going to.... First, I’m going to....
16 Ensuite,.... Next,.... Next,....
17 Et puis,.... (And) then,.... (And) then,....
18 Finalement / Enfin,... Finally,.... Finally,....