Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta” In 1799 Alessandro Volta invented the battery.


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Presentation transcript:

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta” In 1799 Alessandro Volta invented the battery. He was then 54 years old and one of Europe’s most famous physicists. Since 1778 he had been Regius Professor of Experimental Physics at the Pavia University and been running the Physics Laboratory, which has been recently reconstructed. Not only is our Department named after him... but also the unit of measure of potential, which Volta called "tension", is named the "volt".

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta” MAGNETISM and SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Group Staff: A. Rigamonti, F. Borsa, P. Carretta, M. Corti, A. Lascialfari, S. Aldrovandi, L. Spanu, E. Micotti, N. Papinutto, M. Filibian, M. Mariani Motions and structure of flux lines lattice in superconductors Low-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets (S=1/2) Molecular nanomagnets Quantum tunneling of the magnetization (QTM) RAMAN, LUMINESCENCE, Hall SPECTROSCOPIES Group + EPR & MAGNETIZATION Group Staff: G. Samoggia, P. Galinetto, E. Giulotto, F. Rossella + C.B. Azzoni, M.C. Mozzati Phase transitions in pure and mixed oxides based on ABO 3 (KTO, STO, BTO, etc) compounds Structural, electronic and optical properties of intrinsic and impurities defects in ABO 3 related materials (e.g. LiNbO 3 ) Study of the transport phenomena and charge localization due to optical irradiation in ABO 3 compounds

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta” PHYSICS EDUCATION and PHYSICS HISTORY Group Staff: G. Bonera, L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, L. Falomo, L. Mascheretti, M.C. Garbarino, L. Cardinali *Identification of tools and strategies to support the Physics teaching/learning process *Historical comprehension of the developments of different physical branches, taking into account not only the technical aspects but also the global cultural and social context. QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY Group Staff: GM D’Ariano, C. Macchiavello, M. Sacchi, P. Lo Presti, F. Buscemi, G. Chiribella, P. Perinotti Quantum Measuring Devices for Photonics and Quantum Information Entanglement Assisted High Precision Measurements Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Cloning by the optical parametric squeezing process Quantum Properties of Distributed Systems

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Photonic Materials and Nanostructures Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta” Pavia, July 5th, 2005 European School of Advanced Studies 9 th Master course in Materials for micro and nano-technologies and Staff: A. Stella, G. Guizzetti, F. Marabelli, L.C. Andreani, M. Patrini, M. Galli + post-Docs & PhD students

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Our Research Labs Optical Spectroscopy Lab Laboratory of Nonlinear Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy ( M. Malvezzi. Dip. Elettronica) CILSOMAF Centro Interdipartimentale Laser, Spettroscopia Ottica e Materiali per Fotonica Collaboration Dip. Fisica, Chimica Fisica, Chimica Generale, Elettronica Location: Area Cravino (clean room, chemistry labs, laser lab, optical spectroscopy lab, SEM lab)... under construction

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Our main Research activities 1. Growth and fabrication of nanostructured surfaces and interfaces 2. Investigation of the optical properties and optical Characterization at high resolution and sensitivity 3. Design and Modelling of materials structures and their optical properties ( then feedback to 1) NoE PHOREMOST Nano Photonics to REalize MOlecular Scale Technologies

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Why micro and nano-structures? 3D - Bulk2D – QWell 1D - QWire0D - QDot

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Nanostructured surfaces and interfaces Vollmer - Weber mode (nanoparticles) Stranski - Krastanov mode (quantum dots) Molecular Beam Epitaxy & Atomic Layer MBE Opal sedimentation Bottom-up... Chemical Etching of waveguides Lithography + Post-growth treatments...or top-down? Si SiO 2 Polystyrene opals

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di NPs :Vollmer - Weber mode AA BB  AB  Young Equation: Growing layer wants to minimize interface energy and its own surface energy  Layer “balls up” on the surface Nucleation of heterogeneous systems : liquid A on a solid B TEM image of Ga NPs in SiO 2 Average radius from 2 to 50 nm Size dispersion 20%  = 0  <  /2  =  A B  AB =  A cos  -  B D (nm)

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di QDs: Stranski-Krastanov mode ~ 2 ML of InAs on GaAs Strain induced growth of pyramidal QDs STM image

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di III-V devices: MBE & ALMBE Artificial structures with sub- micrometric periodicity, with optical properties designed and tunable as a function of the sample parameters (lattice constant, strain, quantum effects). Aim: Obtain particular device performances HRTEM of InGaAs/InP Multi Quantum Wells

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Why optical spectroscopies? Linear processes + Nonlinear ones

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Linear optics for characterization Optics and spectroscopy (0.1 – 500 m) Reflectometry, ATR, -reflectometry Ellipsometry Raman and luminescence Laser light scattering Nonlinear optical response (time res) Optical functions Surface and interface properties: roughness, planarity, composition, porosity, long-range order, oxides, overlayers Thicknesses up to 1 ML and NP dimensions Alloy compositions, dopants and impurities (< cm -3 ) Structural disorder

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Nonlinear Optics Spectra Physics system composed by a pump laser Millennia, Ti:sapphire oscillators Tsunami emitting 70/130 fs and 1-15 ps nm, fs Optical Parametric Oscillator tunable from 1400 to 1800 nm Regenerative amplifier and OPA SHG & THG, Hyper Rayleigh scatteing Pump & probe techs

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Silicon: what is it? Poly Si thin film The intensity and the position of the E 1 and E 2 interband critical points depend on grain size and crystallinity Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Photonic crystals & waveguides The analog of electronic structures for light, allowing to control light propagation and emission in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions  dispersion of photonic bands PHOTONIC BAND GAP  slowing down /superluminal propagation of light pulses  zero-threshold laser?

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di Design and control the lattice strain effects for tuning the emission wavelength to 1.31 / 1.55 m (optoelectronics) InAs/InGaAs QDots

Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Naturali Università di Pavia Facoltà di SHG amplification by metal NP glasses Amplification by surface plasmon solid-liquid phase transitions R  R (nm) (nm) T nl (a.u. ) Hyper- Rayleigh Scattering by metal nanoparticle solutions