1 David Kathan, Ph.D Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2010 National Town Meeting on Demand Response and Smart Grid June 23, 2010 National Action Plan on Demand Response
2 Statutory Requirements Section 529 of Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007 creates a new Section 571 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act that requires FERC to: Conduct a National Assessment of Demand Response –Published on June 19, 2009 Develop a National Action Plan on Demand Response –Published on June 17, 2010 Together with DOE, submit National Action Plan Implementation Proposal to Congress –Due by December 17, 2010 The author’s views do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
3 National Action Plan on Demand Response Released by FERC staff on June 17, 2010 Based on input from a broad range of stakeholders Available at reports/ demand- response.pdf
4 Strategic Vision The National Action Plan call for the formation of a Coalition, comprised of public institutions and private organizations, to coordinate implementation of the strategies and activities of the National Action Plan. “There is strength in numbers. Coalitions harness the combined energy of individual organizations, producing results that can go far beyond what can be accomplished on an individual basis,” FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff
5 Demand Response National Action Plan Strategies and Activities
6 Assistance to States –Establish a National Forum –Conduct Informational and Educational Sessions for Policymakers and Regulators –Build a Panel of Demand Response Experts –Sponsor Technical Papers –Establish a Program for Technical Assistance for Demand Response –Provide Demand Response Grants
7 Demand Response National Action Plan Strategies and Activities National Communications Program –Communications Umbrella Program Development Message Framework Development –Local Implementation Support for Demonstration Programs Support for Other Demand Response Programs –Direct Outreach Communications Assistance to States and Policymakers Partnership Development
8 Demand Response National Action Plan Strategies and Activities Tools and Materials –Develop a Web-based Clearinghouse of Demand Response Materials –Develop or Enhance Demand Response Estimation Tools and Methods E.g., the Demand Response Impact and Value Estimation (DRIVE) model
9 Next Steps Implementation Proposal FERC, together with U.S. DOE, will prepare a proposal to implement the Action Plan –Due by December 17, 2010 Will include –Specific assignments of responsibility –Proposed budget amounts –Any agreements secured for participation from State and other participants
10 Questions? David Kathan