How Not To Win Friends
Never, Ever, fulfill your commitments. When asked why you missed the date, say I thought the date was later. When pressed say Well just have to agree to disagree People like you are why they invented sign-off sheets
Make fun of people's names - for example if you see John Jones walking down the hall say "Hey everyone, its Toilet Jones!" Richard works too
Whenever possible, try to take over projects when the key decision- makers are away, so you can make sure its Done the right way. Extra points if you make the project slip because of your changes! People like you are why they invented Gantt charts and change-review boards
Never, ever clean up after yourself - leave half-full coffee mugs everywhere. Mold is your only friend
Make sure the customer knows that Youre smarter than they are. Tell them We know what you need Lecture on quantum physics during the breaks. When other people show you their work sigh, and say We really should have sat down and thought this through.
Suggest early morning meetings to "get a head start" on something important. Then fail to show up until several hours later Nothing says Im more important than you are like failing to show up to a meeting you called.
Always, Always, Always follow a compliment with a criticism But you only get bonus points if you make them cry.
Be an agent for change get all of your coworkers to change employers
When you have a problem, and someone offers to help, make sure you dont tell them all the details. Then, when they solve the problem you can say But thats not the real problem! You had to struggle, so they should too, darn it!
You must ignore constructive criticism. Theyre just jealous cause youre so smart!
Deodorant is for suckers Nothing says I dont care like your B.O.
Tell everyone that the company is doomed and youre just going through the motions. And then dont even bother to do that.