CEOS-APAN EM WG interaction Shin-ichi Sobue NASDA/SPPD.


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Presentation transcript:

CEOS-APAN EM WG interaction Shin-ichi Sobue NASDA/SPPD

- 2 Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) CEOS/WTF for GOFC

Integrated Global Observation Strategy

- 4 o Initiated as a strategy for harmonizing EO missions capabilities and user requirements: n INTEGRATED - as an international effort, both space-based and in-situ measurements n GLOBAL - addresses large-scale environmental changes and global observation n OBSERVING - parameters of scientific and economic/policy importance and large global and regional research programs n STRATEGY - match observing requirements with existing and planned EO capabilities INTEGRATED GLOBAL OBSERVING STRATEGY


- 6 o Long term continuity of spatial observations  Respond to user needs that are beyond the capabilities of existing systems o User-defined observation program o Build upon the strategies of existing international global observation programs What will IGOS Achieve?

- 7  Work towards reducing unnecessary duplication of observations & gaps  Facilitate integration of multiple data sets from different agencies  Be the joint product of different agencies involved  Address the collection of both space-based and in- situ data and their integrated analysis What will IGOS Achieve?

- 8 International and national scientific, social, economic, and political drivers Assess Requirements for observations Evaluate capabilities of observational systems Decide what needs to be changed Obtain commitments for change Deploy improved observational assets and improve use of existing ones Enhance the product processing chain Collect observations and generate products Assess implementation of systems Evaluate usefulness of products Redesign systems Change the observational systems Implementation Monitor progress Use resultant products Concept of an IGOS

- 9 Developed to provide a more coherent focus for the definition and implementation of IGOS. Current Themes Ocean Ocean Color, GODAE, Water Cycle CEOP Atmospheric Chemistry Integrated Global Carbon Cycle GOFC More themes to come Disaster Management Coastal Monitoring etc. Theme Approach

- 10 GOFC (Global Observation of Forest Cover) o Objective To improve the quality and availability of satellite observations of forests at regional and global scales To produce useful, timely and validated information products from these data (together with in-situ observations) for a wide variety of users

- 11 GOFC Structure

- 12 Forest Cover

- 13 Forest Fire

- 14 Biophysical Parameter

Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

- 16 Created in organizations involved Goals: To optimize benefits of space-borne Earth observations To serve as focal point for international coordination of such observations To exchange policy and technical information to encourage complementarity among space systems COMMITTEE ON EARTH OBSERVATION SATELLITES

- 17 MEMBERS ASI (Italy) BNSC (UK) CAST (China) CONAE (Argentina) CSA (Canada) CNES (France) CSIRO (Australia) DLR (Germany) EC (Europe) ESA (Europe) EUMETSAT (Eur.) INPE (Brazil) ISRO (India) KARI(S.Korea) NASA (US) NOAA (US) NRSCC (China) NSAU (Ukraine) STA/NASDA (Japan) Roshydromet (Russia) RSA (Russia) SNSB (Sweden) ASSOCIATES CRI (N.Zealand) CCRS (Canada) GCOS GISTDA(Thai) GOOS GTOS ICSU IGBP IOC IOCCG ISPRS NSC (Norway) OSTC (Belgium) SAC/CSIR (S.A.) UN-ESCAP UN-FAO UN-OOSA UNEP WCRP WMO


- 19 CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services

- 20 WGISS Overview o The Role of Information Systems & Services: An essential element to the success of Earth observation programmes n users need to be able find and access products on a global basis n harmonised systems are essential to allow users to easily and efficiently utilise products globally n coordinated technical development is required if this is to be achieved o WGISS: The Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) is there to address these issues n facilitates EO data and information management and services for users and data providers on a global, regional and local basis.

- 21 Current Foci o User Driven Development: n Following encouragement by CEOS Plenary WGISS has re-oriented itself to work with user organisations in the development of tools, techniques and recommendations n This it has done through the development of the Test Environment o Spatial Information World: n WGISS needs to be a partner in the wider spatial information world, which is rapidly developing information technology. n A specific focus has been WGISS’s relationship with the Open GIS consortium (OGC) where there has been sharing of ideas and joint particpation in meetings o Commercial development: n WGISS has continued to liaise with the EO commercial sector on the development and operation of information systems and services. n Commercial organisations continue to attend WGISS, Sub-Group and associated Workshops o Standards: n WGISS needs to influence the real and de facto standards that are driving the spatial information and commercial developments n Continued links are maintained with key standards organisations (ISO, OGC...)

- 22 WGISS Achievements Over the past 6 years WGISS (building on the work of WGD & WGINS) has developed a wide range of tools, techniques, services, & guidelines: o Resource discovery and access n Archivee.g.Purge alert in place; archive interchange format in preparation n Cataloguee.g.Developed CIP; an interoperable catalogue system developed providing access to over 1200 catalogues n Searche.g.One-stop-shop search in place – the IDN provides 10,200 data set descriptions, with 20,000 users / month n Browsee.g.Browse guidelines available n Ordere.g.Data ordering now integrated into CIP n Accesse.g.Establishment of a virtual CEOS net, with constant network performance monitoring o Resource generation, evaluation and utilisation n Data setse.g.Global data sets supported n Data formatse.g.Data format guidelines issued n Data rescuee.g.African data sets rescued by USGS at WGISS instigation for developing countries o Outreach n Promotion materiale.g.2,000 copies of WGISS brochure distibuted 150 attendees at the annual EO/GEO Workshop 40,000 WGISS business cars produced

- 23 The WGISS Year o WGISS Meetings n WGISS 12 (joint meeting with the Sub-Groups) hosted by USGS, Sioux Falls, USA (May 2001) n WGISS 13, to be hosted by NASDA in Tokyo, postponed to February 2002 (replaced by a WGISS teleconference) o Sub-Group Meetings n Hosted by Eumetsat, Darmstadt Germany (September 2001) o Associated Workshops n EOGEO, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada (June 2001) (as part of the Digital Earth Conference attended by over 650 persons) o Presentations / Promotion n Internet Workshop (IWS 2001), Tokyo, Japan (February 2001) n UN Geographic Information Working Group, Rome (March 2001) n ASPRS, St. Louis MO, USA (April 2001) n CEOS Disaster Management Support Group (DMSG), Brussels, Belgium (June 2001) n GOFC STB, Frascati Italy (June 2001) n Asia Pacific Network Advanced Network (APAN) Earth Monitoring Working Group, Penang, Malaysia (August 2001) n UN Economic Commission for Africa Committee on Development Information, Addis Ababa (September 2001) n International Federation of Surveyors, Nairobi, Kenya (October 2001) n AfricaGIS Symposium, Nairobi, Kenya (November 2001)

- 24 Information Sources o More information on WGISS are available: n WGISS Home Page: – Contact information, documents, etc. – CEOS Home Page: n WGISS Newsletter: n WGISS Brochure: "To provide recommendations and tools related to information systems and services in order to better co-ordinate and enhance global activities in Earth observation.”

- 25 Test Environment WGISS has developed a new Test Environment concept which allows WGISS’s products to be tested and used in partnership with user application projects. This was presented to, and approved by Plenary 14 in Rio. o Benefits to Users (e.g. IGOS-P related) n Improved access to data/information through improved systems and services n access to technical expertise n facilitate potential information systems prototypes o Benefits to CEOS n increased and more effective use of space agency data and services n feedback to CEOS to guide future priorities and policy n benchmark relevance of WGISS activities o Benefits to WGISS n Provide a mechanism to work with users on real projects n demonstrate, promote and verify WGISS tools and services within real applications. n provide feedback to guide further developments

- 26 WGISS Data & Information Systems, Services & Infrastructure Agglomeration of tools and services held and operated by CEOS organisations WGISS Menu Open reference list of WGISS products & services, updated on the basis of the results of the test facility, linked on-line to the products and services themselves WGISS Test Facility Selected WGISS products and services, made into a coherent, open, modular system by the partners to address each selected project’s needs (can include tools dev’d by the project), dev’d & tested against the project’s requirements Projects To define the data & information systems and services requirements Improved Products & Services Based on the test facility results Links to data supplier s Long term operation Tools, data Partnership Products & services Products & services A Proposed WGISS Test Environment Version 12/05/2000 Nakodo Impossible requirements

- 27 What WGISS Can Offer A WTF o Nakodo (marriage arrangement) n Provides a cooperative arrangement between WGISS technical abilities and science project requirements o Coordinate n Technical assistance to relevant ISS problems n Institutional assistance o Facilitate n Technical developments n Input to the formulation of standards o Identify n WGISS tools to address WTF needs o Advise n On the adoption, use or improvement of WGISS tools and services directly related to information systems and services issues o Demonstrate n The use and functionality of WGISS’s portfolio of tools and services o Enable n The development of WGISS tools and services in response to WTF user needs n The transfer of WGISS tools and services to an operational environment

- 28 What WGISS Cannot Do To Support A WTF o Cannot build complete information systems o Cannot provide operational data management o Cannot provide support outside the scope of WGISS o Cannot be a service provider o Cannot undertake operational role

- 29 The GOFC Test Facility o Status and plans n WGISS and the Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC) project have been working together for over 18 months now n The next major milestone will be the demonstration to Plenary 15 o Achievements and participation n WGISS and GOFC have worked together to: – Identify data of interest to GOFC held by CEOS agencies – Identify capabilities needed for improved data access – Implement common interfaces to data of interest, including common protocols and user interfaces n From the CEOS side there has been wide ranging participation, including: – NASA (CEOS lead agency – and many thanks to them for their great effort) – ESA, CCRS, NASDA, USGS, NOAA and the EC (through DG JRC), n From the user side there has also been good participation – SEARRIN, RFD Thailand, AIT Thailand, GISTDA Thailand, Michigan State University USA, University of Maryland USA, MAFF Japan o Demonstration to follow this report o Plenary Issue n Plenary agencies are asked to identify interest in actively participating with staff and resources Interested agencies are asked to contact the WGISS Chair

DIF Metadata GCMD GOFC Portal JRC MSU TRFIC NOAA NGDC ESA UWM NASDA CCRS UMD GLCF MAFF MAFF/NASDA WMS CCRS/CubeWerx WMS CCRS/CubeWerx Map Client Server Fire Risk Map for Southeast Asia from AVHRR Imagery click! Discovery WMS Demis (Netherlands) WMS Components MAFF/NASDA WMS CCRS/CubeWerx Client NASA IDN GOFC Portal CEOS and other Data Stores Demis WMS WMS VMAP0

click! Data Search Components EDG Client : NASA Servers : Bureau of Meteorology (Aus) CCRS (Canada) HEOC/NASDA (Japan) DLR (Germany) ESA (Italy) USGS EDC (US) IRE (Russia) ISA (Israel) LARC (NASA-US) ORNL (NASA-US) GSFC (NASA-US) Others... EOSDIS Data Gateway Search Client IRE Russia ISA Israel BOM Australia ESA Italy DLR Germany CCRS Canada USGS EDC HEOC Japan GSFC NASA V0 & CIP LARC NASA ORNL NASA JPL NASA

NOAA NGDC ESA ATSR DMSP AVHRR MAFF MAFF/NASDA WMS ESA/Ionic WMS Fire Risk Map for Southeast Asia from AVHRR Imagery click! WMS ESA/Ionic WFS ESA/Ionic Map Client Data Feed WFS click! USGS EDC/ESRI WMS L7 Browse WMS AIT GISTDA Data Access & Interuse Demis (Netherlands) WMS Components MAFF/NASDA WMS ESA/Ionic WFS ESA/Ionic WMS ESA/Ionic Map Client USGS EDC/ESRI WMS Demis WMS WMS VMAP0

- 33 WTF/GOFC - Achievements o WTF/GOFC progress in the last 12 months n Employed “nakodo” process to gain mutual understanding of common GOFC/WGISS goals, objectives, requirements n implemented a common set of interfaces for CEOS agency data to meet GOFC needs in terms of: – discovery, – search, – access and interuse n Generated Southeast Asia Fire Prototype capability, n Built significant agency support for WTF/GOFC

- 34 Future Work n Make more data sets accessible through common interfaces – Increase number of formats accessible at catalog and data levels – Develop middleware solutions to reduce burden on data providers – Develop linkages to in situ data sets. n Continue interactions between WGISS and GOFC communities leading to enhancement of current interfaces. n Potential expansion of effort – Other regions – Other application areas – Other user communities