SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April SCIndeks: Serbian Citation Index Regional Perspective Nikola Stani ć Center for Evaluation in Education and Science, Belgrade, Serbia (
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April General purpose of the presentation: demonstrate SCIndeks’ interface, so as to show that SCIndeks meets some of the goals of the workshop share with you our experience about how it is accepted by decision-makers and financing authorities inform you about some of our plans for the future, relevant to library&information community in the region
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Meeting the workshop goals: Visibility of research publications Dissemination of the results of the research in the most efficient way New tools Quality of the research
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Introducing SCIndeks
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April link to the full text of the article link to the article which shares references with this article link to the citing articles
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April link to the article in SCIndeks link to the full text of the cited article link to the record in the Serbian Virtual Library link to the record in the Serbian Virtual Library link to the KoBSON service Elečas link to the disciplinary databases data about cited reference and link to the other SCIndeks articles in which this reference is cited data about cited reference and link to the other SCIndeks articles in which this reference is cited
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Browsing journals
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April checking productivity and publication style of an author - checking citation rate of an author
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April tracing the treatment of a research problem in domestic literature - tracing the treatment of a research term/keyword/ keyphrase/translation in domestic literature
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Is it really needed? Too ambitious? No cost-benefit analyses done, but: - 10 times cheaper than Brazilian SciELO, 15 times than Versita - thanks to technology developed over about 20 years
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Our experience Evaluation researchersyes institutionsno journalsyes projects/teamspartly conferencesno publishersno
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Journal Bibliometric Report
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Digital Online Portal of the Integrated System of S&T Information - DOPISNIca Part of the integrated system of National Scientific Information compatible with international system of scientific information (Cerif)
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Promotion gateway to access national scientific production ( per day) OAI-PMH some proofs: sharp increase of impact of national journals in recent years resulting in better representation in ISI ONLY TOGETHER these two functions are enough for the Government support.
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Our plans for the near future SCIndeks doesn’t cover international journals which are not listed by ISI
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Within this context: We intensively work on: 1. technology of detecting unethical publishing behaviors including plagiarism - Raising formal quality of journals - I nclusion in cross-check soon - We see RCI as cross-checked content, too. 2. integrating SCIndeks with OJS - F urther raising of formal quality of journals - Introducing new journal bibliometric indicators, such as the measures of the quality of peer-reviewing process 3. Regional citation index needed
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April Management Board President professor Pero Šipka, PhD Researcher in the field of evaluation, bibliometrics and informetrics Nikola Stanić
SCIndeks, ver. 1.6, Sofia, April to be continued… Thank you!