Vantaa January 2008
Dresscode 2008
Dresscode EFAF spent a lot of money so we could make photo shootings at the most exciting places in the world of fashion.
Dresscode And we found the best looking male models for our new Dresscode.
This is a little guide for your own, where you can decide what you want to wear, but it shows you for the future what is allowed and what is not impossible. Dresscode
This outfit was standard in former times and is always still accepted.
Dresscode Now it is possible without a tie.
Dresscode And without a jacket.
Dresscode Jeans are accepted too.
Dresscode Possible are the Polo shirts from the EFAF clinics.
Dresscode The following pictures show you some No Nos.
Unfortunately No No
And this always No No
Dresscode And last, what do think about this pants ?