Enterprise Directorate General European Commission Supporting NCPs’ activities Irja Vounakis
2 CORDIS Objectives Offer direct access to information on EU research programmes and activities Ease participation in programmes Enhance research results exploitation and promote innovation Offer connections with regional and national information in the light of the European Research and Innovation Area (ERA) Supporting NCPs’ activities About CORDIS
3 A European R&D and Innovation Portal Timely and free information on R&D Fully searchable web and database services Interactive and user- friendly features, including alerts Multilingual information consulted by over registered users Supporting NCPs’ activities About CORDIS
4 UsersInformation providers Research organisations SMEs and large companies National administrations Policy makers Intermediaries Support organisations, including NCPs Journalists European Commission services External organisations Member States and Associated Countries Regional authorities Supporting NCPs’ activities About CORDIS
5 Did you know… that your contact details are already on CORDIS? To assist FP6 potential participants, CORDIS offers quick identification and access to local support and information organisations, including NCPs. Supporting NCPs’ activities About CORDIS
6 Get comprehensive information on FP6 Improve Partners search Get regular updates on European research Interact Supporting NCPs’ activities Overview
Information and guidance through FP6 project development step by step: Latest news and events Searchable calls service Library of participation information Access to Commission helpdesks and national contact points Electronic proposal submission feature Supporting NCPs’ activities Comprehensive information on FP6 7
8 Information on the FP6 structure and new instruments Guidance on how to participate in and benefit from new programmes Direct access to key information (rules of participation, contractual issues, forms, working programmes) Supporting NCPs’ activities Comprehensive information on FP6
9 Quick overview of the FP6 structure to better understand scope and tools Easy review of all information on specific priorities Dedicated platform for calls, including a search feature and schedule indications as well as reference to NCPs A key tool to support your work Supporting NCPs’ activities Comprehensive information on FP6
10 Review first ideas Expressions of Interest (EoIs) were submitted to the European Commission (March-June 2002) More than EoIs are available Search feature to review proposed project ideas Each record provides contact details, abstract, instrument applicable and additional information Supporting NCPs’ activities Comprehensive information on FP6
Improving international partner search A free 2-way communication channel An easy consultation of potential co-players Details of thousands of partnership requests from companies, research centers, universities in Europe and the world A selection of potential partners in Candidate countries Supporting NCPs’ activities Improve Partners search 11
12 Search the Partners Service by thematic priorities Search for partners’ profiles recorded by other NCPs Review key players who submitted Expression of interests Review organisations involved in previous projects and benefiting from key experience in the Project database Use the Partners Service to promote your clients’ interests (we have a specific section dedicated to you) Update their records directly on-line Submit bulk profiles directly to CORDIS team Use the NCP intranet to contact other NCPs and ease your search CORDIS offers more to identify potential partners Supporting NCPs’ activities Improve Partners search
13 Easy identification of partners in given places or with previous experience Extract from funded Projects in FP5 service Supporting NCPs’ activities Improve Partners search
Daily coverage of European research and innovation activities Information on policy measures and programme implementation Open calls for proposals and tenders Focus on research projects and breakthrough Event announcements In English, German, French, Italian and Spanish Supporting NCPs’ activities Get regular updates on European research 14
A window on the European research area Information on European Research and Innovation Area latest developments Central access to debates and documents on new research trends Dedicated services on « Science & Society », “S&T indicators” and “S&T foresight” Supporting NCPs’ activities Get regular updates on European research 15
Review latest exploitable technology Selection of promising technologies Useful links and tips to ease transfers Searchable results in Business, Science and Society Facility to submit new results on-line Available in English, French, German, Italian & Spanish Supporting NCPs’ activities Get regular updates on European research 16
Central access to policy studies Highlights on latest innovation- related studies Direct access to and downloadable facilities for all published studies Review of upcoming surveys Supporting NCPs’ activities Get regular updates on European research 17
18 alert services Easy systems to keep abreast of the latest information with customised search profiles: New partner profiles Calls for tenders and proposals Latest research results and projects Specific news Supporting NCPs’ activities Get regular updates on European research
CORDIS Newsletter Weekly digest of research and innovation information published on CORDIS Direct links to services or pages on CORDIS. Available by and on-line Supporting NCPs’ activities Get regular updates on European research 19
20 Interact with the network Thematic intranets will soon be available on CORDIS Gateway between the EC and NCPs, including network activities and training programmes Document repository as well as exchange platform, namely to assist you in searching partners Supporting NCPs’ activities Interact
21 Interact with the other networks Easy identification of other support networks, including Commission Infodesks, Innovation Relay Centers CORDIS also offers access to local contacts and search features to identify local incubators Opportunities for cross posting and more co- operation with finance and IPR networks Supporting NCPs’ activities Interact
22 Interact with CORDIS Publish your news, event announcement, success stories Publish Partners’ profiles Provide information for our national services Communicate on the intranet Supporting NCPs’ activities Interact
23 Interact with CORDIS Contact CORDIS Help desk for assistance on searching services and databases Attend dedicated CORDIS training sessions Use our brochures for your events (order on-line) Register now for free as a CORDIS user and get access to more features. Supporting NCPs’ activities Interact