Information Society Technologies Cross Program Action lines related to Health area DG Information Society European Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

Information Society Technologies Cross Program Action lines related to Health area DG Information Society European Commission

Cross-Programme Actions & Clusters Cross-Programme Actions (CPAs) –topics common to several Key Actions (avoiding fragmentation) –topics of a strategic nature reflecting the IST vision –topics not foreseen when IST was set-up (nanotech, Grid, etc) –support integration, convergence and building of critical mass –includes RTD, take-up, accompanying measures 13 Action Lines in WP2001 (~20% of workprogramme content)

Structure KA1 Systems & services for the citizen KA3 Multimedia content & tools KA2 New methods of work & Electronic Commerce KA4 Essential technologies & infrastructure Cross Programme actions Research networking Future & emerging technologies

Research networking Future and emerging technologies The budget of IST KA3: Multimedia content and tools KA2: New methods of work and electronic commerce KA1: Systems and services for the citizen KA4: Essential technologies and infrastructures 646 MEURO (18%) 547 MEURO (15%) 564 MEURO (16%) 1,363 MEURO (38%) 319 MEURO ( 9%) 161 MEURO ( 4%) Cross-Programme themes at least 10% of programme

Cross-programmes CPAs in WP2001

CPA1 ( A.L.V.1 )- home environments Aims Aims to develop and experiment with systems & platforms for the integration of applications and services for the “extended” home (for private / professional use) to develop and experiment with systems & platforms for the integration of applications and services for the “extended” home (for private / professional use) leading to combined platforms for ‘invisible’ intelligent devices that can be personalised & adaptive for provision of services or for exercising specific tasks or control functions leading to combined platforms for ‘invisible’ intelligent devices that can be personalised & adaptive for provision of services or for exercising specific tasks or control functions Focus Focus

CPA1 - home environments Existing work from 1999 (call1) and 2000 (call4) Existing work from 1999 (call1) and 2000 (call4) a portfolio of ~17 projects working on two centres of gravity :- a portfolio of ~17 projects working on two centres of gravity :- - access and delivery platforms (multimedia terminals, access control, integrated networked systems) - access and delivery platforms (multimedia terminals, access control, integrated networked systems) - development and provision platforms (middleware, distributed data-warehouses & location based services) - development and provision platforms (middleware, distributed data-warehouses & location based services) Targets for call6 Targets for call6

CPA4 ( A.L V.1.4 )- dependable & survivable systems Background - Existing work from 1999 (call1) and 2000 (call3) a portfolio of ~13 projects builds on ~50 projects from FP4a portfolio of ~13 projects builds on ~50 projects from FP4 - Links with work in the US (under S&T agreement) collaborations with “critical infrastructure protection”, DARPA, NSFcollaborations with “critical infrastructure protection”, DARPA, NSF transatlantic cluster formed in 2000 (see web-site for details)transatlantic cluster formed in 2000 (see web-site for details) Focus for 2001  build & manage dependability properties of large-scale infrastructures  model & manage dependability & survivability of globally interdependent systems and interconnected critical infrastructures  measure, verify & monitor dependability properties  extend international co-operation on R&D

CPA5 ( A.L.V.1.5 ) - smart cards Key Objectives To further the acceptance of smart cardsTo further the acceptance of smart cards To ensure improved mobile & secure access to information servicesTo ensure improved mobile & secure access to information services To increase versatility of smart card systems to accommodate a larger scope of citizen & business requirementsTo increase versatility of smart card systems to accommodate a larger scope of citizen & business requirements Focus for 2001 support the priorities of the “Smart Card Charter” more information at: the priorities of the “Smart Card Charter” more information at: Deploy cross sector innovative applications and services (incl. Healthcare) (Demonstration)Deploy cross sector innovative applications and services (incl. Healthcare) (Demonstration) Improve acceptance (Best Practice, Trials)Improve acceptance (Best Practice, Trials) Advance smart card technology (RTD)Advance smart card technology (RTD) Build consensus within specific sectors (users) (Thematic Networks, Accompanying measures)Build consensus within specific sectors (users) (Thematic Networks, Accompanying measures)

CPA9 (A.L.V.1.5): Grid test beds, deployment & technologies Technological Concept ….. aims at making world-wide distributed computing and data resources seamlessly available (as a single resource) for any user on the web ….. is heavily driven by computer & data-intensive scientific & industrial applications (meteorology & environment management, earth observation, biology and health,, etc) Objective Objective To foster community-wide (research, industry, users) of the Grid in order to incorporate it as an instrument for European competitiveness in research, industry and business To foster community-wide (research, industry, users) of the Grid in order to incorporate it as an instrument for European competitiveness in research, industry and business development, development, integration integration experimentation experimentation & deployment & deployment

CPA9: Grid test beds, deployment & technologies Focus in 2001 Test beds for end-to-end service deployment through integration & implementation of Grid-technologies in the context of full scale applications Test beds for end-to-end service deployment through integration & implementation of Grid-technologies in the context of full scale applications Development of Grid-specific toolkits and software & system architectures Development of Grid-specific toolkits and software & system architectures Interoperability between different Grid test-beds Interoperability between different Grid test-beds promotion of Standards and Reusability promotion of Standards and Reusability

CPA11(A.L I.1.11): Regional and sectoral pilot actions and demonstrations for the digital economy Objective Objective –Support the development of pilot actions & demonstrations for regional or business sector specific approaches to the digital economy Focus in 2001 Focus in 2001 –Pilots and large scale demonstrations to support the access of SMEs to the digital economy, demonstrate innovative axamples of public services (health,..) –Support measure for co-operation among regions, diffusion od best practices & benchmarking Information day the 22nd of February

CPA10 ( A.L. V.1.10 )- next generation micro & nano technologies (for highly integrated applications) New CPA topic for 2001 New CPA topic for 2001 advanced workadvanced work should build on and extend work in :-Key Action IV, Key Action I FET, DG-Researchshould build on and extend work in :-Key Action IV, Key Action I FET, DG-Research should be “highly pervasive” (prime rationale for CPA)should be “highly pervasive” (prime rationale for CPA) should combine cross- and multi-disciplinary participantsshould combine cross- and multi-disciplinary participants typical work mix= 30% technology + 30% application + 30% innovationtypical work mix= 30% technology + 30% application + 30% innovation

CPA10 - next generation micro & nano technologies (for highly integrated applications) Objective Objective - to increase early adaptation of micro- and nano-technology in industrial hardware with emphasis on health and environmental applications - to increase early adaptation of micro- and nano-technology in industrial hardware with emphasis on health and environmental applications - to stimulate interdisciplinary research in order to :- - to stimulate interdisciplinary research in order to :- develop new fully integrated solutionsdevelop new fully integrated solutions to exploit new ideas generated from the mix of different disciplines/culturesto exploit new ideas generated from the mix of different disciplines/cultures Domains: Domains: - health and life sciences - health and life sciences - environmental - environmental - industrial and communication - industrial and communication OPEN IN JUNE 2001 OPEN IN JUNE 2001

CPA13 (A.L V.1.13)- Advanced signal processing systems & applications Algorithms Main Topics Main Topics - physical modelling, synthesis - multidimensional filtering, recognition - neural networks, wavelets, chaos theory - coding, compression, modulation - watermarking, cryptography - others … - others … Codec properties Codec properties - realtime - realtime - secure, robust/reliable - secure, robust/reliable - data (multiple rates, fusion, large sets) - data (multiple rates, fusion, large sets) Application areas biomedical biomedical - echography, imaging, - echography, imaging, - personal health devices, - personal health devices, - special needs - special needs media media - images, video - images, video - music, speech - music, speech - language engineering - language engineeringcommunications - fixed, wireless, navigation - fixed, wireless, navigationsecurity - enhanced e-commerce transactions - enhanced e-commerce transactions Applications, algorithms, Devices, Tools, methodologies & software

CPA13 - Advanced signal processing systems & applications Devices Signal processing devices Signal processing devices - Architectures (RISC, VLIW) - Architectures (RISC, VLIW) - Instruction set enhancements (MMX, SIMD) - Instruction set enhancements (MMX, SIMD) - FPGA, ASIC/SOC, multichip assemblies - FPGA, ASIC/SOC, multichip assemblies Acquisition devices Acquisition devices - sensors, sensor arrays, biometrics - sensors, sensor arrays, biometrics - pre-processing (beamforming, transforms) - pre-processing (beamforming, transforms) Conversion devices Conversion devices - analogue & digital conversion - analogue & digital conversion Properties Properties - low power, reconfigurable, small footprint - low power, reconfigurable, small footprint Tools, methodology & Software Open approach - standards - methodologies Support tools - languages, real-time operating systems - interoperation between tools IP reuse - re-usable blocks & open cores Know how - initiatives to promote knowledge sharing

CPA web pages on CORDIS Web site on CORDIS being is being revised for 2001 same address will be used

CPAs: Opportunities to be exploited