1 Communicating EU Research in FP7: The Formula Josefina Enfedaque Scientific Communication Officer Health Directorate, DG Research
2 It’s an obligation… and an opportunity Communication is about the way we present European research to the outside world We can help you if you help us
3 l The Commission has made communication one of its strategic objectives, fully recognising it as a policy in its own right. l Research is an excellent subject for communicating on Europe and the benefits and added value of European cooperation. l Strong role of R&D in building Europe's future as a competitive and sustainable society l While public support for the EU generally has been declining, support for European Research remains high l 59% of Europeans claim that the EU should spend more money on research (Eurobarometer 2005) A good Communication Formula for Europe
4 Engaging with the public is now a priority in the field of science communication. l Focus on communicating results rather than process. l Be interactive. Listening and adapting your messages accordingly must become a regular feature of your communication activities. l Activities should be selective and targeted to maximise impact. We must avoid communicating on matters with little or no interest to the outside world. l Particular emphasis must be put on "going local" – use your partners, contact local press l Tailor communication to different audiences by responding to the issues that matter locally. Some drops of this formula
5 Focus on people and personalities to give science a « human face » Make sure the EU and your project ’ s corporate image is applied on every information and communication material. l Slogans and symbols should be selective, simple and repetitive. Science ’ s "lingua franca" is English. However, when dealing with local audiences and the public at large, a multilanguage approach is needed. l All documents, websites, brochures and audio- visual material need to be presented in clear, simple and jargon-free language (adapted to the targeted audience). Some drops of this formula
6 l As Europe's largest public financer of research, we have an obligation to ensure: l maximum return on investment l full openness about actions financed. l Challenges, such as countering public apprehension over research require open, proactive and systematic communication. l Animal testing l Stem cells research l Nanotechnology Energy l Responsible and open communication plays an important role in ensuring public support and visibility of your activities. Objective: Transparency
7 Objectives: l To move from information activities to a genuine communication culture, involving DG RTD staff, Framework Programme participants, European citizens etc. l To communicate Europe as a leading and innovative place for doing and investing in research l To show the results and benefits of European research to European citizens l understanding of research as a driver for European integration and for uniting people beyond the EU l To provide first-class information on possibilities under the 7th Framework Programme. Communication Strategy for DG RTD
8 l EU-funded research improves our quality of life. l European research is responsive to the needs of the general public. l R&D creates incentives for growth, jobs and better quality of life. (Europe 2020) l EU-funded research is more effective than research carried out nationally. l Collaborative EU research will save money. l FP7 is the world’s biggest research programme yet with a total budget of over €54 billion for a period of 7 years. l FP7 delivers knowledge, which is Europe’s best resource. l Europe needs more private investment in research and the EU's research programme has considerable success in attracting new funds from the private sector. FP7 Key messages
10 Communicating… ? l To whom? è FIRST OF ALL: to your Scientific Officer è Scientific community è Policy makers è Press, general public l What? è Research results and key events l Who? è Every project è The Commission l Why? è Visibility è Impact è Responsibility to citizens è Obligation in Grant Agreement l Where? è Scientific journals & meetings è Internet è TV, Press l How? è Website è Materials (brochures, posters) è Press releases è Publishable summaries è Pictures, videos… l When? è On time!! (not the day before publication )
11 What, Why? l Focus on research results è 70% of Europeans are interested in Medical and Health research è Principally in results and discoveries that can affect their quality of life l Publicly-funded research: Visibility on use of Community funds è Taxpayers money è accountability è Public opinion è Showing results = making a case for research funding è Young generation: increasing the appeal of scientific careers l Your own visibility and prestige è Collaborative research – European, International level è Decision makers read newspapers – national, regional level
12 Where, How? l Two levels: specialised + general è Design your website with different levels (members-only, scientific community, press, public) – consider some multilingual pages if needed è Create brochures and information materials è Anticipate/monitor good results and scientific publications è Don’t forget journalists: importance of press releases è Involve your press/communication offices è at your institution / at the institutions of your partners è Involve your Scientific Officer at the Commission – early! l We can help you increase your visibility è Press releases, press briefings, EU publications, EU webs, newsletters and catalogues, TV è Tell us in time : Send up-to-date materials & news for our information services – draft your press releases in parallel with us è Embargo period – release them the same day
13 HEALTH : Networking of major research institutions to coordinate communication actions aimed to the general public. Communication services from research institutions participating in EU- funded health research projects. Collection, sharing and distribution of information about research results in real time Multilingual, communication-oriented information networks Multinational press and public relations strategy Adaptation of the contents/language/media to relevant target audiences For example: press kits for journalists, press releases, wiki pages of projects, databases of scientific images, early alert system about communicable project results, newsletters, etc. The future: Coordination Action
15 Compulsory deliverables According to the Grant Agreement, all consortia are obliged to submit periodic reports, as well as a Final Report to the Commission. All consortia are also obliged to include a 'Final plan for the use and dissemination of foreground', in their deliverables list. Projects are requested to include, if appropriate, the setting up of a project webpage in their deliverables list which they will update on a regular basis.
16 Target groups General public young people handicapped women elderly etc Researchers European researchers in Europe European researchers' "diaspora" third country researchers Industry, SMEs Universities, research organisations Multipliers In particular the media: science journalists mainstream press covering science, technology, business etc Decision-makers Governments European Parliament National assemblies Local and regional decision- makers 3rd countries
17 Your plans for dissemination should appear in the DoW Dedicated Workpackage(s) B.3.2 Plan for the use and dissemination of foreground (knowledge generated during the project) Based on section 3.2 of the original proposal –Consortium's strategy –Measures to ensure the optimal dissemination and use / exploitation of project results. The management of knowledge and intellectual property The plan for the use of results (e.g. further research or commercial exploitation) Dissemination of the foreground beyond the Consortium –during the lifetime of the project –afterwards
18 Specific deliverables for projects belonging to the Health theme All projects must have a website and their URL should be communicated to the Scientific Officer (possibly with access to the private area) as soon as possible, i.e. the first 3 months of the project. Consider the.eu domain In the website, a short, jargon-free Publishable Summary of the project should be permanently available for download (and regularly updated). (This may have the format of a brochure, for example) NEW: Electronic Catalogue Projects will be requested to upload/update to the Commission’s database a publishable formatted text (summary, problem, aim, expected results, potential applications, partners) for our websites, brochures and e-catalogue. This text can be also uploaded to SESAM to be used as Publishable Summary. UPDATES SHOULD BE MADE AT EVERY REPORTING PERIOD Good-quality, copyright free pictures should be also uploaded to our database / or sent to your scientific officer
20 Examples of good practice Leaflet: The FLUVACC project Website: The EMPRO project (FP6): Video: your science film on line: Other Web activities: Wikipedia: TISS.EU (FP7 SA) YouTube (and “EU Tube”), for an example type “Chemical Party”
25 DG Research Visibility of EU support l Any notice or publication about the project must specify that the project has received research funding from the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme, including at: è Conferences and presentations è Posters è Scientific & general articles è Books è Training materials è Software è Websites è Advertisements Logos may not be identical or similar to the European emblem. The European emblem must be given adequate prominence when displayed with your logo
26 Thank you Any questions?