European research - fragmented “ Towards a European research area” Communication in January 2000 Situation in Europe on research worrying – not efficient enough – fragmented – infrastructures needed – more funding needed (3 % of GDP) Better co-ordination should be sought at different levels FP6 should provide some instruments. Structuring effect important
EURATOM RESEARCH AND TRAINING ON NUCLEAR ENERGY European research policy National programmes ‘Open Coordination’ Framework programme European organisations The European Research Area
EURATOM RESEARCH AND TRAINING ON NUCLEAR ENERGY The New Instruments in FP6 Integrated Projects (IPs) Designed to achieve ambitious, clearly defined scientific and technological objectives by integrating the critical mass of activities and resources needed. “Large projects” Networks of Excellence (NoE) Designed to strengthen Europe’s excellence on particular research topics by tackling the fragmentation of European Research. “ Close and sustainable co-operation between research organisations through a joint programme of activities” Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3)
EURATOM RESEARCH AND TRAINING ON NUCLEAR ENERGY What will there be in FP7? Research instruments as in FP6 for collaborative research Integrated Projects (IPs) Networks of Excellence (NoE) Small instruments (?) Infrastructure support Technology platforms Large co-operation between public and private partners around one challenging development, eg Hydrogen society Joint undertakings
EURATOM RESEARCH AND TRAINING ON NUCLEAR ENERGY European research - waste management Substantial collaboration already exist Can it be further improved and made more efficient? What could be the role of the Commission and the Commission’s research programme? Selected IPs and NoEs are important Closer co-ordination of national R&D programmes European Technology Platform and Joint Undertakings Discussions on best way forward needed