Advanced and Innovative Models And Tools for the development of Semantic-based systems for Handling, Acquiring, and Processing knowledge Embedded in multidimensional digital objects “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting February 15 th -16 th, 2006 Luxembourg “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting February 15 th -16 th, 2006 Luxembourg
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Keyword: Digital Shape Multi-dimensional media characterized by a visual appearance in a space of 2, 3, or more dimensions. Examples: pictures, images, 3D models, videos (disregarding the sound track), animations, etc.
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg what is shape? is aimed at coordinating research on representing, modelling and processing knowledge related to digital shapes. Shapes have a geometry (the spatial extent of the object), they can be described by structures (object features and part- whole decomposition), they have attributes (colours, textures, names, attached to an object, its parts and/or its features), they have a semantics (meaning, purpose), they may also have interaction with time (e.g., history, shape morphing, animation, video). Shape = any individual object having a visual appearance which exists in some (two-, three- or higher- dimensional) space (pictures, sketches, images, 3D objects, videos, 4D animations,...)
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Digital shape lifecycle(s) a teapot
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg 4 th wave of DM content After sound in the ’70s, images in ’80s, and video in the ’90s: technology is converging to support the creation and delivery of high fidelity, high performance shape content (3D, 3D+T) Why?: H/S Technology advances (acquisition, rendering, grid, internet,..) Solution to problems related to 2D (occlusions, transformations,..) Non ambiguity or Completeness (view independency) Consistency with the real world (I&O) Suitability for LOD, ….
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg scientific & technological innovation New approach to model digital shapes Ontologies for Digital Shape Knowledge Modelling 3 levels of shape knowledge representation Acquisition and reconstruction Analysis and structuring Interpretation and mapping Common platform for shape models & tools Digital Shape Workbench
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Dissemination Activities Target Groups Scientific Community Target: The research community in related thematic areas: Universities, Research Institutes, R&D in industry. Industry Target: European industry that will eventually profit from our results (Manufacturing, CAD, CAE, & Medicine, Games, GIS, Cult. Heritage…) Standards. Target: Standardization bodies and organizations (MPEGs, STEP, H- Anim, COLLADA….) EU projects Target: Allied and related Projects and initiatives (EC, FP5 and FP6 Projects,..) General Audience Target: Schools, governmental organizations, general public
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Foreseen Dissemination Activities (Jan – June 2007 ) On-line web site ( Digital Shape Workbench, a platform for shape models and software tools Digital Library of scientific references and technical reports Off-line DVD (presentations, demos, models, software,…) (planned end 2006) Print/electronicPublications newsletters (2 per year) brochures, posters proceedings/tutorials of workshops/summer schools scientific and technological articles, special issues of journals presentations at conferences/exhibitions preparation of a Springer-Verlag book press releases
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Foreseen Dissemination Activities (Jan – June 2007 ) Organize or co-organize SMI'06 - International Conference on Shape Modelling and Applications, Matsushima, Japan, June, 1st International Workshop on Shapes and Semantics Japan June 17th Annual Open Summer School,Tallinn July 19-25, 2006 Network Industrial Group Meeting, Fall 2006 & Summer Project Clustering Workshop on Virtual Humans & Animation, summer 2006 (CASA 2006) (and possibly 2007) 3D Shapes 2006 (and possibly 2007) Active participation 15th annual World Wide Web Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference, Budva, Montenegro, June, Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering, Tallinn, Estonia, August, 2006 C&O'06 - Contexts and Ontologies, Riva del Garda, Italy August 2006, IST Information Society Technologies Conference, Helsinki, Finland, November, 4th Annual European Semantic Web Conference, May-June, 2007.
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg How to create Virtual Humans
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Digital product shape lifecycle: from semantics to model Hand sketched Free-form features modeling Design view Semantically structured model Capturing the designer’s intent Shape transformations under simulation criteria Simulation view Shape annotation during shape transformation Other product views
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Shape Repository > 160 models test cases benchmarks real-world, large-scale shapes open (researchers, NIG) critical mass sought after
“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” Meeting, Feb 15-16, 2006, Luxembourg Tool Repository 51 Tools & Libraries structured by taxonomy browser keyword-based search engine engine applet to add/edit tools forum in the portal online help