NGCWE Expert Group A Reference Architecture for Prof. Juan Quemada NGCWE Expert Group IST Call 5 Preparatory Workshop on CWEs 13th April 2005, Brussels
Challenge 1 Priority: very high Availability: medium term -> Long term adaptability to changes Challenge: To agree on a common reference architecture which enables the development of reusable and interoperable service and application components for collaboration at work.
Reference Architecture The Reference Architecture achieve interoperation Should precisely define all the elements necessary to achieve interoperation among collaborative tools This includes: functions, protocols, interfaces, … The “upper layer” middleware Implement the reference architecture Facilitate the development of interoperable tools Should be delivered as “open software libraries”
Relation to other Recomendations The Reference Architecture should take into account existing recommendations W3C: SOA SOA (XML, SOAP, ….), Semantic Web, Device indepence, multimodality, … IETF: Multimedia architecture (RTP, SIP, SDP, …), LDAP,.. Others Should incorporate emerging paradigms P2P, GRID, syndicated Blogs, Wikis, communities,..
Methodology The Reference Architecture should be properly validated in real implementations before adoption Like in IETF or W3C Several interoperable implementations should exist before adoption
Components Which ones should be defined and included? Only functions needed in real services should be included How do we select them? Probably by “user selection” among a rich variety of proposals progessed in IETF or W3C