D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 1 National Contact Points for EURATOM- Information Exchange Meeting October 16, Brussels, CCAB Expressions of Interest Assessment Summary Nuclear Energy Research and Training Programme Priority Thematic Area 2.2 ‘Management of Radioactive Waste’ 1 Priority Thematic Area 2.3 ‘Radiation Protection’ 2 1 Michel Raynal - DG RTD/J/ Ernst Hermann Schulte - DG RTD/J/4 - ernst-
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 2 Expressions of Interest (EoI) Content of presentation u Objectives for submitting EoI u The assessment process l initial assessment by the EC services l formal assessment by experts panel u Results by thematic priority areas l General statistics l Results by research topics u Conclusions on the EoI exercise
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 3 Expressions of Interest Purpose Consult research community on its readiness to prepare actions using the new instruments (NoE and IPs) in order to: u assist in the preparation of work programme u assist in determining the scope of first calls u facilitate integration of key players
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 4 Expressions of Interest Main steps in the process Invitation to submissions21 March 2002 Deadline for submissions 07 June 2002 Assessment by expertsJune-July 2002 Publication on CORDIS29 Sept. 2002
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 5 Expressions of Interest Assessment process 1 Pre-assessment by Commission services Sorting and tracking eligible EoI by research topic 2 Assessment by experts (5 external + 2 EC) Individual assessment of each EoI Individual assessment of all EoI relevant to each research topic 3 Panel assessment in a ‘consensus’ meeting Assessment of all EoI eligible in each research topic 4 Reporting of results Internal report Publication on CORDIS
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 6 Expressions of Interest Assessment criteria for instruments
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 7 Expressions of Interest Results on CORDIS u Statistics u “Readiness” for implementation using new instruments u Data base of submitted EoI
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 8 EoI - Management of Radioactive Waste Statistics 103 EoI submitted å 43 EoI submitted addressing “other activities” or out of scope å 60 EoI cover the objectives of the research areas: l Geological Disposal l Partitioning and Transmutation & other concepts to produce less waste å 26 EoI suitable for the new instruments (4 NoE / 22 IPs ) å 34 EoI more suitable for “classical” instruments
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 9 EoI - Management of Radioactive Waste Statistics Distribution of EoI between:
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 10 EoI - Management of Radioactive Waste Statistics Distribution of EoI between:
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 11 EoI - Management of Radioactive Waste Results 1. Geological Disposal (22 EoI = 4 NoE, 18 IPs) NoE to cover cross-cutting activities u Improvement of fundamental knowledge of key processes To be covered by a few IPs u Developing and testing disposal technology To be covered by an IP u New and improved tools for performance & safety assessment To be covered by an IP; other IPs need coupling with research on processes u Governance processes: public concern to waste disposal “Classical” instruments more suitable for this topic
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 12 EoI - Management of Radioactive Waste Results 2. Partitioning & Transmutation Largely covered, but only 4 IPs are suitable Suggestion: make separation between l Partitioning: to be covered by an IP l Transmutation: to be covered by one/several IP(s) ‘Impact of P&T on waste management and geological disposal’: targeted project more suitable for “classical” instruments
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 13 EoI - Management of Radioactive Waste Results 3. Concepts to produce less waste å No EoI suitable for implementation using the new instruments å Topic would be best implemented using “classical” instruments
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 14 EoI - Management of Radioactive Waste Summary å Readiness for implementation using the new instruments are summarised as follows: 1 More suitable for “classical” instruments
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 15 EoI - Radiation Protection Main Statistics 99 EoI received 74 formally assessed Distribution between instruments ~70% IP, ~ 25% NoE Distribution among submitting organisations Research - 55% University - 24% Industry - 7% Other - 14%
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 16 EoI - Radiation Protection Epidemiological studies - 9% Cellular and molecular biology - 13% Medical exposures - 18% Natural sources - 16% Protection of the environment - 7% Radioecology - 14% Risk management - 6% Emergency management - 11% Protection of the workplace - 6%
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 17 EoI - Radiation Protection Main outcomes u only a small number “ready” or “mature” u no NoE “ready” - instrument not understood u most submissions not of sufficient scope, importance or ambition for new instruments u process disappointing in narrow context u process highly useful in a broader context
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 18 EoI - Radiation Protection Topics “ready” for implementation using IPs u Epidemiological studies u Cellular and molecular biology u Medical exposures (in part) u Protection of the environment u Emergency management
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 19 EoI - Radiation Protection Topics with potential for becoming “ready” later u Radioecology u Protection of the workplace
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 20 EoI - Radiation Protection Topics not suitable for use of new instruments u Natural sources of radiation u Risk management
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 21 EoI assessment Conclusion on the exercise (1/2) å Over 200 EoI treated in WM and RP å WM: several EoI suitable for new instruments, covering well the objectives and aims of the priority thematic å RP: only a small number suitable. Some topics to become “ready” later (Not sufficient scope or lack of ambition). NoE not well understood å Suitable EoI in WM have the ambition to develop sound technical basis for the demonstration of the safety of the ‘geological disposal’, or to reduce hazard of the waste
D:\data\PowerPoint\Raynal\NCP-EURATOM Meeting - CCAB ppt Slide 22 å Non qualified EoI, i.e. neither sufficiently developed nor mature for early implementation in FP6, look more suitable for ‘classical instruments’ (i.e. concepts to produce less waste) å Training aspects are inherently part of research and should be kept in IPs and NoE EoI assessment Conclusion on the exercise (2/2)