8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E To ensure that the objectives of NEFIS are reached and activities completed in accordance with the time schedule To ensure the dissemination of information within and outside the consortium To plan and organize the management committee, steering committee and plenary meetings and the symposium Co-operation with the steering committee To manage the budget NEFIS WP 1: Project Management Partners: EFI, JRC, IUFRO, Uni. Hamburg Objectives:
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E WP1 partners EFI – responsible for overall coordination and finances JRC – S&T link between the project developments and the needs from other Commission services. Also documentation/dissemination of results and preparation of proposals for follow-up work IUFRO – technical management Uni. of Hamburg (previously Dresden TU) – implement evaluation
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E D1: Project webpages Project webpages WP3 webpages NEFIS Knowledge Base Discussion Forums Forum related to NEFIS KB and other WP3 work Forum for other NEFIS WPs. Is there a need? And if there is, where should it be?
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E D8: Popular articles Year 1 –EFI News. 2003, issue 1-2. p. 17. –Linea Ecologica - Economia Montana. Anno. XXXV, No. 5, pp Agrimi, M. di, Chirici, G., Grohmann, F. et al. NEFIS – Rete europea per lo sviluppo di un sistema informativo dedicato al settore forestale. –GeoInformatics, March 2004, v.7 (2), pp Schuck, A., Van Brusselen, J. and Andrienko., G The European Forest Information Demonstrator - EFIS. Querying the Forests of Europe. Year 2 –EFI News, IUFRO News –Other partner institute Newsletters ?? –Other popular journals in partner countries ??
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E D14: Articles in Science and IT journals Year 1 –Andrienko, N. et al Tools for Visual Comparison of Spatial Development Scenarios. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization. IEEE Computer Society. –Schuck, A. et al The European Forest Information System - an Internet based interface between information providers and the user community. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (accepted). –Chertov, O. et al Geovisualization of forest simulation modelling results: a case study of carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (accepted). –Kennedy, P. et al European Forest Information System - EFIS. A step towards better access to forest information. Advances in Forest Inventory for Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Monitoring. Kluwer AP Publishers
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E D14: Articles in science and IT journals Year 2 –Richards, T., Schuck, A., et al. UML description of an extended European Forest Information Service. To be submitted to Forest Policy and Economics. –Others
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E Bi-annual report to Management Committee In year 2 there will be a bi-annual progress report from the Work Packages and all partners September/October 2004 to be presented to the MC at the meeting in November 2004
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E D13: Final Report Final report to Commission describing the work progress and achieved results (due June/July 2005) –Work Package final reports to EFI – April 2005 –Partner final reports to EFI – April 2005 –Cost statement (partners to send final cost statements to coordinator (EFI) after the final meeting – June/July 2005). Coordinator to send cost statement to Commission – August 2005 –The need for a second annual progress report will be confirmed with the Commission. However, cost statements for the second year (1 March 2004 to 28 February 2005) will be needed from all partners – March 2005.
8/16/2014 E U R O P E A N F O R E S T I N S T I T U T E D15: Symposium Report & D16: Final publication D15: Recommendations for the Future – August 2005 D16: Final publication Partner 2 (JRC) in collaboration with partner 1 (EFI) – August 2005