NEFIS WP3 workshop Jarmo Saarikko NEFIS KB comments and questions1 NEFIS Knowledge Base comments and questions KB = FAQ? KB database content KB management KB forum KB entries – when and how?
NEFIS WP3 workshop Jarmo Saarikko NEFIS KB comments and questions2 KB = FAQ ? On many websites this seems to be the case. When frequently asked questions and their answers are categorized, keyworded and entered into a database, it becomes a knowledge base. General comments: There are out-of-the-box solutions for KB implementation Why do we seem to always start by writing software and applications ourselves before creating content? Does an author need to create a word-processor before writing a book? Really. Some people do…
NEFIS WP3 workshop Jarmo Saarikko NEFIS KB comments and questions3 KB Database content question/problem answer (+link to additional information) keyword category KB management information –Moderator and date of entry for a doc/record KB contains both metadata and documents
NEFIS WP3 workshop Jarmo Saarikko NEFIS KB comments and questions4 KB management NEFIS group comments were not implemented? Who makes the decision when to re-write or update the interface, db-structure, etc to a next version of the KB? –Who participate in the development of the KB? (see below) Role: KB Master user - hostmaster, access rights, no need to be content specialist or add content In charge of keeping the service running. Back-up person is necessary? Role: KB content manager/moderator –Able to add/edit/remove information to the db. –Should be specialists for various subject areas –NEFIS Software Design and Implementation Group? Who and what is this? An open source development group for NEFIS?
NEFIS WP3 workshop Jarmo Saarikko NEFIS KB comments and questions5 KB forum possibility for anyone to post questions moderators pick up and prepare answers is this necessary for NEFIS KB?
NEFIS WP3 workshop Jarmo Saarikko NEFIS KB comments and questions6 KB entries – when and how? The Greenwich group’s report contains hoards of information and references to other projects, standards and documents This could form the backbone of the KB (add also the EFICS report 1997, etc.) == important documentation. Who should enter this information to the KB and break it into question/answer components and add metadata (keywords, subject areas)? –Filling in KB entries requires technical knowledge –Who are the audience: users or developers or both? –Should the KB entries be readable by non-technical people, too? When? Soon or right now?