NEFIS Knowledge Base Nguyen Thanh Binh IUFRO Vienna
Network for a European Forest Information Service -NEFIS Overview The development and population of a repository of open knowledge on forest information systems –Structured online documentation –and frequently asked questions repository KnowledgeBase meeting (Month 15)
Network for a European Forest Information Service -NEFIS Objectives To provide the infrastructure for the NEFIS/GFIS KnowledgeBase. To host content derived from the knowledge and experience gained in the execution of EFIS and related projects by establishing an on-line KnowledgeBase of project outputs and derived standards. To serve the KnowledgeBase and Frequently Asked Questions to the forest community and to provide a self-help discussion forum. To support data provider’s ability to submit their data for the information service
Network for a European Forest Information Service -NEFIS Current Development A prototype with: –Member Management –Document management –FAQ
Network for a European Forest Information Service -NEFIS FAQ What is Metadata, why is it important? Why metadata is requested? How to use EFIS and generic GFIS? How do EFIS and generic GFIS work? How to become a data provider – what software is required? How extract, visualise and process forest information with EFIS and GFIS? What, How and Why are XML and ForestML?
Network for a European Forest Information Service -NEFIS