Gert-Jan Nabuurs R & D Highlights
16 August Overview 2009 Growth Balancing topics between HQ & RO’s Research for science based policy making
16 August Location and severity of storm damage ‘Storms’ project for DG ENV coordinated by EFIATLANTIC
16 August Forest industries value added change under FLEGT ( ) Study on Measures to Prevent the Import of Illegally Harvested Timber for DG ENV Value added change (%)
16 August Will European forests’ sink strength decline? Related projects by Verkerk, Lindner et al. Sink (Mt CO2) Related to wood supply, biomass for bioenergy issues UNFCC (EC 2010)
8/16/2014 Facing Climate Change Impacts Higher risk of storm and insect damages Increased growth rates in the North More intense and frequent forest fires Shifting species suitability Study for DG AGRI on Impacts of Climate Change on European Forests FP7 project ‘Motive’
Sustainability in a wider frame 16 August Protection Recreation Wood chips Sami Northern-Tosia project
16 August Fire Paradox Scientific analysis delivered insights into integrated use of fire. This resulted in direct advise towards a Fire Framework Directive (Rego et al.)
16 August Capacity building (FOPER & AGORA) AGORA builds new forest research capacities in Tunisia and Morocco (EFIMED) FOPER builds education and research capacity in the Balkan (Shannon et al. (HQ & EFISEE))
Improving the science-policy interface
16 August Thank you!