TECHNICIAN MOBILIZATION BRIEFING zPay/Leave zFederal Employee Health Benefits zFederal Employee Group Life Ins zNGAUS Ins Trust z Thrift Savings Plan z Effect on Retirement z Additional Information
Pay/Leave zMay utilize annual leave, military leave, and compensatory time zLet it remain in account zUse of annual leave in excess of 240 hours encouraged zCompletion of HRO Form 92 zWith-in Grade Increases and Pay Adjustments continue
Federal Employee Health Benefit zCoverage can continue for up to 24 months in nonpay status zNew bill authorizing payment of FEHB zOptions yContinue coverage yTerminate yDelay reinstatement (if applicable)
Federal Employee’s Group Life Insurance zContinue up to 12 months at no cost zMust elect to Continue or Terminate coverage after 12 months zElect to Continue yPay employee and agency share of the premiums yMust make payment arrangements before leaving for active duty yReinstated automatically upon Return to Duty zElect to Terminate yRight to convert to a non-group policy yReinstated automatically upon Return to Duty
NGAUSIT zCall (800) ext to arrange payment of life insurance zDisability insurance stops and is reinstated upon return
Thrift Savings Plan zMay make retroactive contributions zBased on current TSP Form 1 zReceive package from HRO upon return to duty zTSP Form 41, required if you have a TSP Loan (Mandatory if you have a loan)
Effect on Retirement zMay make a military deposit (buy back) zNo interest on deposit, if paid in full before end of third year from date of return to duty zRules of deposit yCSRS before 1 Oct 1982 yCSRS after 30 Sep 1982 yFERS
Additional Information z5 days Admin Leave must be granted as soon as employee returns to technician status zNew guidance on 5 days excused absence for each deployment in support of the continuing Global War on Terrorism.
Additional Information zAble to apply and be considered for Technician Position Vacancies yHRO Website – New Announcements posted weekly yCopies of signed application packets with a supervisor w/instruction letter (recommended)
Additional Information zMust be submitted by supervisor’s yTwo SF 52’s (Mandatory) yCopy of official military orders (Mandatory) yHRO Form 92 (Mandatory) yTSP Form 41 (If Applicable) yHRO Form 92-1 (If Applicable)
HRO EMPLOYEE RELATIONS BRANCH POC FOR TECHNICIAN SERVICES/BENEFITS Vicki FetterolfSUPV (HR Specialist) Holly AdamsFEHB, FEGLI, TSP Lois LehmanRetirement/Military Deposit Carol DiamondWorkers’ Comp/WIGI MSgt Jamie TylerMilitary Deposits SPC Amanda PhamStandards, Appraisals, Awards TSgt Ryan TitzellStandards, Appraisals, Awards FAX NUMBER:
HRO STAFFING BRANCH POC FOR TECHNICIAN STAFFING MSG Linda Reedy MSgt Sue Mindy Ros Janze Elaine Duenas-Brown Cathy Hain Betsy Shultz FAX NUMBER: