1 New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department SARA Closeout March 25,2009
2 Overview Introductions Project Definition Project Funding & Implementation SARA Timeline SARA Requirements SARA Lessons Learned Questions
3 Introductions Stephen P. Archuleta, Statewide JDAI Coordinator Patti Vowell, Project Manager Crawford Spooner, Chief Information Officer
Project Definition SARA is a web-based application used to consistently screen children presented for detention while also accurately tracking admissions into and releases out of detention and movements from one detention center to another statewide. 4
5 Project Funding & Implementation Funding –CYFD Total Request $162K –CYFD Project Total $162K Implemented in production on schedule –07/01/2008 Hosting- fulfilled due diligence to have DoIT host application but final decision from DoIT was unable to host at this time.
6 Project Definition Screening, Admissions and Releases Application –Document RAI Screenings and Track Admissions and Releases of Juveniles in Detention Integrate Detention Centers with JPPO and Courts –Worked Exclusively Meet Federal Reporting Requirement –Previously manually created
7 SARA Requirements Develop a mechanism for the equitable and consistent screening of children referred for detention statewide which complies with state statute Provide real-time tracking of children in detention statewide which can be shared across agencies Provide statewide reporting and meet federal reporting requirements
Lessons Learned Contract delays result in development predicaments Securing Hosting Site Predicting Usage 8
9 Questions?