1 ECM/EDMS Project HSD, TRD, SRCA September 26, 2007
2 Agenda Project Status Actions Taken –Scope –Governance –Implementation Services Procurement Current Budget and Timeline Remaining Risks Mitigation Strategies
3 Project Status Letter sent by Secretary of the Department of Information Technology August 29, 2007 stating that the ECM-EDMS project has been “flagged” as a potential “at risk” project. Documents were requested and sent to the IT oversight analyst by September 7, 2007 A request was also made for a joint team from HSD and TRD to present the status of the project at this PCC meeting September 26, 2007.
4 Actions The three cooperating departments have taken a series of actions designed to ensure timely delivery of the project by June 8, The actions are concerned with project –Scope –Governance Structure –Implementation Services Procurement
5 Scope The scope of the CSED portion of the project has been changed, eliminating the Remittance Processing. Removing the Remittance Processing requirement reduces the complexity of the CSED portion of the ECM/EDMS project Remittance Processing has been replaced with the scanning of at least two standard CSED forms and auto-population of that data in the existing Child Support Enforcement System on- line screens.
6 Governance Structure
7 Governance Changes Project Director will be provided from external, independent resources TRD and HSD will have their own project managers Vendor implementation teams will report to a specific Department Project Manager. When necessary, implementation team members will be shared
8 Implementation Services Procurement An implementation vendor has been selected Services have been obtained within the project budget Both TRD and HSD/CSED are currently reviewing and revising the implementation contract Both TRD and HSD/CSED are ensuring that the required functionality for their organization is tightly specified
9 Budget Unchanged Unchanged for Phase II $1,734,073 ($800,000 FFP)
10 Current Timeline
11 Remaining Risks Procurement –Start of software design is contingent on contract signing and currently scheduled the first week in October. Currently the contract signature process requires two months –Hardware is to be procured by 1/11/08 contingent upon technical specification completion. Hardware and software procurement is now requiring 4-6 weeks.
12 Risks Remaining Technical Risk –Design and implementation of “green screen” auto-population function in the six week design phase currently scheduled
13 Risk Mitigation Senior Management support for fast-track procurement and contract execution If necessary, fast-track design of the “green screen” auto-population function on a separate, parallel design and development track