NMLETS Replacement Project
C2 funding - Laws of 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Item 030 Project Initiation Certification ($200,000) – 10/2007 Consultant contract to create RFP awarded – 12/2007 NMLETS Replacement RFP released – 11/2008 Vendor(s) selection completed – 5/2009 IV&V contract awarded – 7/2009 Project Planning Certification ($2,785,000) - 8/2009 Split vendor contract award – 9/2009 Core System vendor – Computer Projects of Illinois, Inc. (CPI) Mobile System Component vendor – Diverse Computing, Inc. (DCI) TARC Review – 2/2010 Project Implementation Certification– 2/2010 DCI LEADS mobile system component roll-out initiation– 06/2010 CPI OpenFox Core switch cutover – 2/2011 CPI OpenFox/Messenger training 2/2011 CPI MESSENGER desktop component roll-out initiation – 2/2011 System Acceptance – 5/12/2011 JAG grant recipient for LEADS Smartphone application ($125,000) – 9/2011
NMLETS Replacement Project has 2 major components LEADS – Mobile and desktop application for query only solution NMLETS – New Message Switch deployment to transitionally replace aging LEMS (Law Enforcement Message Switch) – New front end desktop application for full access solution
NMDPS used DCI’s eAgent Client to provide LEADS as a quick, reliable, primarily mobile solution to Criminal Justice Agencies in New Mexico at no-charge. LEADS went full production in June 2010 and currently has over 1200 users from over 40 agencies. LEADS is a web-based application that provides real-time access to several local and national Criminal Justice and MVD resources, providing the information in a secure, expedient and efficient manner. LEADS increases officer safety with features like the ability to view driver’s license photos to confirm identification and conducting wants and warrant checks. LEADS offers access to various Criminal Justice resources including: NCIC NLETS MVD NM Hot Files New Mexico CJIS – NM Department of Corrections Information – Concealed Carry (CCW) Information – NM Criminal History Key Features and Benefits: Intelligent data harvesting and spawning initiate appropriate queries based upon entered information Map addresses in query returns automatically with Google Maps
Key Features and Benefits (continued) Color coded responses provide quick visual identification of hits Automatic return of in-state and out-of-state Driver’s License photos ( when available) Ability to request NM Department of Correction Photos Ability to request NM CJIS (booking) Photos Generate HTML based reports from information in returns Search previous returns using Search Archive Run a full Criminal History (CCH) right from your mobile or desktop
NMDPS went full production with the CPI OpenFox system on February 1, 2011 OpenFox products include: Message Switch HotFiles Archive & Retrieval High Availability New Configurator Messenger Desktop Client New features: Web Services interface to Nlets with all transactions in Nlets XML Web Services interface to Vehicle Registrations (system installed by New Mexico Interactive) with NMI XML Web Services interface to MVD for the retrieval of drivers registration and photos TCP/IP interface to NCIC 2000 with full support for all capabilities including images
New features (continued): TCP/IP interface to the pre-existing LEMS system for retrieval of drivers history TCP/IP interface to the pre-existing LEMS system to support regional systems and Oracle based end user client software (The Oracle based client software will be replaced by Messenger) FoxTalk interface to support statewide Messenger Hot Files database (Oracle) including several NCIC mirror files, in-state warrants and recently inquired file Interface to the NM CCH database for Triple I (III) updates as well as queries including the creation and forwarding of Nlets compliant Rap Sheet NIEM 4.0 – Includes in-state support for Booking, Sex Offender and Other photos associated with Rap Sheet Interface to the NM CJIS database for Concealed and Carry as well as Department of Corrections information, including photos Support for states participating in NCIEN (Corrections Photos), which NM is now participating. Support for NLETS In-State (Local) Warrant Queries Future Availability: Support for CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon Permit) query via NLETS – This will provide for other states to query CCW information and NM to query other states that support this key
DEPLOYMENT 33 counties in New Mexico, deployed between March September agencies, 600+ stations accessing NMLETS with CPI’s Messenger
Grant #: 2011-DJ-BX-2431 Grant amount: $125, Smartphone application for query only Base set of NCIC queries (10-12) Both NMLETS Replacement Project Vendors providing possible solutions DPS seeking enterprise license with 2-year warranty DCI solution meets requirements more completely
Planned end to CPI Messenger roll-out - 12/31/2011 Planned transfer of last regional interface (External agency connection) – 10/31/2011 Planned contract with DCI for Smartphone application – 10/31/2011 Planned turn-off of old core switch (LEMS) - 1/2/2012 Planned roll-out of Smartphone application – 3/1/2012 Extended Warranty contract 5/15/ /14/2014