Definitions EMR: Electronic medical record (replacement of paper charts) EHR: Electronic health record (subset of EMR) PHR: Personal health record (owned by patient, WebMD) CHR: Community health record (owned by patient and parent organization, DOSSIA) ERL: Electronic record locator (finds EMR, EHR, etc.) HIE: Health information exchange (facilitates record sharing) MPI: Master person (patient) identifier (unique ID) PM: Practice management (includes EMR, scheduling, billing and related functions) PHI: Protected health information (information that can only be shared under specific circumstances) HIT: Health information technology (from telemedicine to EMR)
HospitalHospital with clinics NM DOH Public health offices NM DOH Facilities Hospital without EMR NMMRA private practicesOther private practices PCA clinics Independent Physicians Groups Potential HIE EMR Landscape PharmaciesLabs
Health Information Grant Program Governance NM DOH Oversight Committee Telehealth and Health Information Technology Commission Grantee 1Grantee 2Grantee 3 Sub-grantee 1 Sub-grantee 2 Sub-grantee 3 Sub-grantee 1 Sub-grantee 2 Sub-grantee 3
July 1 Funding available June 30 Projects complete September 15 Draft contracts to grantees October 1 Contracts signed October 15 Matching funds committed November 1 Projects begin Health Information Grant Program Timeline