2 Project Overview Introduction The NM Motor Transportation Police are manually entering License Plates and DOT Numbers for compliance with the NM Weight Distance Tax on commercial carriers. This manual system is labor intensive and prevents the employees from checking safety or criminal violations with vehicles and drivers. Objectives Electronically screen commercial motor vehicles Enhance data collection of commercial vehicles entering NM for WDT compliance Enhance trip tax collection at “major” ports of entry Provide TRD with data for audit purposes Enhance commercial vehicle safety to ensure highway safety Identify “High Risk” carriers by utilizing the enhanced screening hardware and software
3 Initiation Phase Accomplishments Phase Deliverables: Combined DPS-TRD scope requirements. Coordinated interfaces needed for operational need Created Budget and ensured funding Meeting requirements of federal grant Meeting requirements of TRD/DPS-MTD agreement Agreed high-level cross-agency budget & schedule Scope & Budget Approval from Administration
4 Planning Phase Accomplishments Phase Deliverables: Define Agency needs Budget and funding Ensure requirements of federal grants & State allocations are addressed Cross-agency agreements Ensure budget and schedule issues are addressed PMP and other management plans Maintain and amend management plans as required IV&V IV & V Exception
5 Implementation Phase Expectations (Change Request) Phase Deliverables: Define expectations at separate sites Budget and funding Ensure requirements of federal grant & State allocations are addressed Cross-agency agreements Ensure budget and schedule issues are addressed PMP and other management plans Maintain and amend management plans as required
Project Timeline 6
7 System Architecture