Data Warehouse External Data Loads Close Out Phase Certification August 24, 2011 Project Certification Committee August 24,
Purpose of the Project –The NMTRD has implemented a Compliance Data Warehouse (DW) to enhance the ability to identify and collect unpaid taxes by improving audit selection implementing tape match programs. –The purpose of the Data Warehouse External Data Loads (DWEDL) project was to load new external data sources into the DW and purchase hardware/software to enhance efficiency and initiate new efforts to bring in additional revenue. August 24,
Previous Processes Previous processes included –Matching data from two data sources to find discrepancies –Automatically calculating taxes due –Automatically generating cases and correspondence –Automating the audit prospecting process –Implementing tape match programs Data sources used in the past for data matching were: –GenTax –MVD license and vehicle registrations –Federal IRS Returns and Income Sources –Department of Workforce Solutions The DW IT staff was already being used to their capacity –Contract was required with DW COTS vendor to perform these services. August 24,
Processes Implemented The new data sources improved TRD’s ability to –Establish taxpayer nexus in NM and perform multiple matches across data sources to verify accuracy of a single data source. –Optimize our project subpopulation targets with additional information to establish taxpayer nexus. –Increase our assessment revenues and recovery ratios to bring additional revenue to the General Fund. August 24,
Project Accomplishments Complete contractual requirements for external data loads and weight-distance sub-projects –All deliverables complete Complete contractual requirements IV&V –All deliverables complete Procure and configure required hardware/software –All hardware and software purchased and received August 24,
Certification History August 24, C ERTIFICATION H ISTORY DateAmountFunding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.) 6/1/09$100,000Initiation: Develop contract for IV&V and Vendor support; execute IV&V contract Laws of 2009: Chapter 124, Section 7, Item 2, $100,000; FY10) -- Planning: Received waiver from Planning Phase 7/1/09$760,000Implementation: Purchase any required hardware and software; execute vendor support contract; Perform implementation(Laws of 2009: Chapter 124, Section 7, Item 2, $400,000; FY10 and NMSA 1978, Section 7-15A-13, $360,000; FY09) FY09$47,066IT General Fund: Budget excess used to pay invoices for TR10-44, this amount was not certified
Appropriation History Laws of 2009: Chapter 124, Section 7, Item 2: $500,000 (part of Fair Share Initiative) NMSA 1978, Section 7-15A-13 : $360,000 August 24,
Schedule and Budget August 24, Schedule and Budget Planned Start Date04/01/2009Actual Start Date08/03/2009 Planned End Date06/30/2011Actual End Date06/08/2011 Planned Cost: (Budget) $860,000Actual Cost: (Total)$898,483 Professional Services $710,000 Professional Services $636,092 Hardware $75,000 Hardware $69,351 Software $75,000 Software $193,040 Network Other
Business Objectives August 24, NUMBERDESCRIPTION Bus. Objective 1Reduce cost and complexity of Information Technology operations: Improving the processes for tape match and audit selection projects in the Data Warehouse makes these technologies more cost effective and efficient. Bus. Objective 2Putting Customers First: allow TRD to improve our compliance efforts and target those taxpayers that truly owe taxes. This will help avoid putting compliant taxpayers through the hassle of audits that are not necessary. Bus. Objective 3Saving Taxpayers Money: By improved targeting of non-compliant taxpayers, TRD staff will be more efficient and will save taxpayers money.
Business Performance Measures BO1: The purchase and implementation of virtualization improved overall license costs by 25%. BO1: Performance increases with the new hardware were 7 times that of the prior hardware. BO1: Virtualization has enabled the IT staff to test and implement environments without the purchase of additional hardware/software. Oracle 11g and Windows 2008 are currently being tested in this new environment with no additional hardware cost. BO2: The IRS Revenue Agent Reports allowed compliance to review the IRS Audit and assess the taxpayer using the same amounts which reduced duplication of effort and provided taxpayers with a consistent assessment. BO2: The Public Regulation Commission and Dodge Report data sources, in conjunction with other sources, enabled the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Bureau to establish economic presence for entities that are not filing CIT returns but are registered and receiving permits in NM. BO3: The Active Military data source enabled the TRD staff to improve notices sent to military staff by reducing Active Duty W-2 wages from taxable wages received from the IRS. BO3: The SSA Death Index data source was used to pull birth dates to give taxpayers age based credits for Non-Filers, such as the over 65 credit. BO3: Weight Distance Data loads enabled the Audit Division to automate the selection process and automatically calculate tax due using multiple data sources. Auditors did not have access to data prior to this initiative. August 24,
Final Feedback A lessons learned meeting was held with the Audit and Compliance Division(ACD), Information Technology Division (ITD), and the COTS vendor after the completion of the Weight Distance project to collect feedback. –ITD and ACD request to establish a more realistic testing schedule/method: Detailed testing scripts were developed and are currently employed for all testing as a result of this feedback. Scripts are pre-tested to establish and modify the testing schedule ITD was surveyed to assess the effectiveness of the knowledge transfer of the vendor –Method of cross training was modified and adapted to the ITD employees to provide them with customized training. August 24,
Lessons Learned Acquire MOU’s with other agencies prior to contract negotiation. Allow more time for contract negotiations at the beginning of the project. Define a formal test plan that defines expectations and exceptions during testing. August 24,