Billing and Electronic Health Record Upgrade Project September 25, 2013 Initiation and Planning Phase Presenters: Terry Reusser, Maggi Gahaller, Michael Snouffer
Project Overview Business Objectives Upgrade BEHR to meet federal required ICD-10 code sets for HIPAA covered entities. Upgrade BEHR to meet Meaningful Use Stage 2 reporting requirements should the program decide to pursue this course. Increase revenue recovery with the use of more specific ICD-10 billing codes. Train all staff on the use of both the new version of BEHR and ICD-10 coding. Technical Objectives Create requirement and configuration documents. Implement upgraded PM and EHR application in test environment. Develop test plan and scripts. Execute test scripts in test environment. Track and fix defects. Upgrade BEHR PM and EHR application in production. Improve integration and data exchange between PM and EHR.
Project Highlights Funds requested for this certification: $30,000 Project Phase Certification Request: Planning Project Start Date: September 2013 Project End Date: July 2014 Total project value: $250,000 Total expended to date: $0
Completed Initiation Phase Activities Project Charter and initial Project Management Plan completed High level scope and schedule defined Project team initiated Budget initiated Project governance established
Planning Phase Activities Vendor contract amendment in negotiation Detailed Schedule, Budget and Communication Plans completed Project team identified finalization Resources identified and committed IV&V contract negotiation
Project Timeline