Backend Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone Change in Scope Certification Presentation 02/27/08 Project Certification Committee
Collection Outsourcing Description –Outsource certain collection to recover delinquent New Mexico taxes –Accounts available for outsourcing consist of Gross Receipts Tax, Compensating Tax, Withholding Tax and Personal Income Tax Justification –Collect on a delinquent taxes of potentially $100 million –Collections focused on liabilities greater than 120 days delinquent
Accomplishments Backend Revenue Accounting –Group A Taxes in production – 08/11/2007 –Group B Taxes in production – 10/20/2008 –Group C Taxes in production – 01/14/2008 –Group D Taxes – in progress –Target Date to Production – 06/17/08 Collection Standalone –Implemented in production – 01/21/2008
Collection Outsourcing Deliverables Finalize design Installation in Development environment (NMD) Acceptance in Test environment (NMT) Acceptance in Pre-production environment (NMS) Acceptance in Production environment (NMP) Total project implementation – four (4) months
Project Timeline
Appropriations FY08: $189,970 –NM: Laws of 2007, Chapter 28, Section 10 (C)
DoIT System Impact Use existing hardware and software residing at DoIT Data Center Production implementation of Collection Outsourcing will not impact DoIT – handled by TRD in same fashion as all other GenTax® project moves Change in project scope will add 2MB or less impact to the network
Security Strategy Utilizes current GenTax® security structure –Groups –Functions –Roles Incorporated into current TRD backup schedule –Nightly backups –Incremental backups every fifteen (15) minutes All GenTax® systems housed at DoIT data center All transmitted data encrypted
Conclusion Collection Outsourcing will provide additional resources for collecting delinquent debt owed to New Mexico Collection Outsourcing along with Backend Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone will maximize the State of New Mexico’s investment in the GenTax® application