Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System (STARS) New Mexico Public Education Department Closeout Presentation to Project Certification Committee, DoIT ______________
2 Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System (STARS) Project Closeout Abstract The Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System (STARS) is a collaborative effort of the New Mexico Legislature, Public Schools and the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED). STARS is a comprehensive student and staff information system that provides a standard data set for each student served by New Mexico’s 3Y-12 public education system. STARS uses the eScholar data warehouse which integrates summary and detail student and staff information via a standard set of templates that provide a consistent format for loading data from various student information systems in public school districts or charter schools. Cognos business intelligence (BI) reporting tools work with eScholar to report and analyze data for decision makers. In FY05 HB2 appropriated $6.65 Million for implementation of the system architecture recommended by the decision support architecture consortium to meet state and federal reporting requirements, including the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act in fiscal years 2005, 2006, and FY06 HB2 added $2.0 Million and FY07 HB2 added a final $2.5 Million. As completed, the STARS application: Meets the current PED and federal reporting requirements; Improves education decision-making through the use of high quality decision support tools; Provides a longitudinal data system (LDS) of student progress over time; and Reports timely and accurate education data to state and federal education stakeholders. Fully addresses all issues from the LFC, OEA, PED, and LESC joint needs assessment of New Mexico’s performance accountability data system project report. We exceeded our originally set objectives on time and on budget. Specifically, the NMPED IT Department built and piloted an operational prototype, implemented uniform student ID methods statewide, rolled-out the fully operational data warehouse statewide in less than 8 months from start, collected SY th, 80th, 12/1 SPED, 120th, and EOY data via STARS, calculated and Reported SEG, AYP, HQT and submitted EDEN Special Education data through STARS. We accomplished all of these achievements in a manner that respects district autonomy by interfacing with more than 12 different district systems.
3 STARS Schedule & Budget Schedule and Budget Planned Start Date5 May 2005Actual Start Date5 May 2005 Planned End Date31 December 2008Actual End Date31 December 2008 Planned Cost: (Budget) $11,150,000Actual Cost: (Total) $11,150,000 Professional Services $8,390,000Professional Services $8,342,976 Hardware Software$1,800,000Software$1,845,986 Network Other (Hosting)$960,000Other$961,038
4 Thank You Robert Piro, CIO Austin Buff, IT Director Minerva Carrera, Data Collection and Reporting Manager Mitch Johnson, Consultant Joel Nudi, Closeout Project Manager