and when
He saidyour Rabb
angels the to
indeed IOne Who makes
in Earth the
a successor
they said
Do make You
it in
who(will do) mischief he
it in
and sheds he blood the
and we
glorify we Your praise with
and sanctify weYou for
He said indeed I know I
whatnot you all know
and He taughtAdam
names the
it all (of)
then them He presented
upon angels the
He said then Me you all inform
names with
if you all were ones who are truthful
Your glorythey said
not any knowledge us for
except what us You taught
You indeed You alone
Always All Knowing the
Always All Wise the
He said Adam O
them (you) inform
their names with
them he informed
their names with
He said not did
say I you for
I indeed know I
heavens (of) the
the Earth and
and know I
what you all disclose
and what you all
You all conceal
and when We said
tothe angels
you all prostrate
for Adam
they prostrated so
Iblees except
he refused and he sought arrogance
andhe was
from Disbelieve those who
and We said
Adam O
you dwell
you and your wife
paradise the
and you two eat
it from
from where you two willed
and do not you two go near
this tree the
you two will become consequently
fromthose who are unjust
them two he caused to slip then
the shaytan
it from
Them two he got out so
what from they two were it in
and We said
you all get down
you some (of)
some others for
you for and
in the Earth
a place to stay
and a temporary enjoyment
to a specific time
he received then
from his Rabb
he turned in mercy so him upon
He indeed He alone
The One Who is Greatest Acceptor of repentence
The Always All Merciful
We said
you all go down
it from
whenever so
you all definitely comes to it
from Me
whoever then
he followed
My guidance
not then
any fear
them upon
they they will grieve
and those who
they disbielived
and they denied
Our verses with
fire the
they it in
ones who abide eternally