2 ND INTERMEDIATE MEETING WP 5 Promotion and marketing WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009: SALTWORKS– Valorizzazione ecosostenibile delle saline tra Italia e.


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Presentation transcript:

2 ND INTERMEDIATE MEETING WP 5 Promotion and marketing WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009: SALTWORKS– Valorizzazione ecosostenibile delle saline tra Italia e Slovenia Ref. 2/2009: SALTWORKS– Ekolosko trajnostno vrednotenje solin med Italijo in Slovenijo" Giancarlo Malacarne Portorose (SLO), 14 march 2013

SUMMARY / INDEX 2nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, Realisation of saltwork’s visits Organisation of an event net »Sapore di Sale« / »Okus po soli« - Proposal for promotional and marketing material Realisation of saltwork’s visits Organisation of an event net »Sapore di Sale« / »Okus po soli« - Proposal for promotional and marketing material

5.1 Realisation of saltwork’s visits Activities scheduled in the workplan WP5 sent to all partners in November 2012 PP4 DELTA 2000  Coordination of the realisation of a joint calendar of study visits in the saltwork areas  within December 2012 LP, PP1, PP2, PP3  Planning study visits in each territory with a detailed programme of visits (e.g. how to selection environmental guides, etc.) and sending information about the study visits to PP4 DELTA 2000  within January 2013 PP4 DELTA 2000  Elaboration of a draft and final version of a joint calendar of study visits   Printing joint calendar  within end of February nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose,

5.1 Realisation of saltwork’s visits Present situation LP Po Delta Park  5 weekends of study visits scheduled during March – May 2013 (10 days total); others 5 week ends will be organised in Autumn 2013 PP1 Mun.Cervia  Study visits will be organized in May 2013 and Autumn 2013(September and October), but at the moment we don’t still have the final calendar 2nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose,

5.1 Realisation of saltworks visits Present situation PP2 Sicciole Saltwork  Study visits will be organise in 2013: - 16/17; 23/24; 30/31 may - 6/7; 13/14; 20/21 june - 29/30 august - 5/6 and 12/13 september - 3/4 october PP3 Strunjan Saltwork  Study visits will be organise in 2013: - May (3 weekends) - June (2 weekends) - September (2 weekends) - October (1 weekend) - November (1 weekend) 2nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose,

5.3 Organisation of an event - net »Sapore di Sale« / »Okus po soli« Activities scheduled in the workplan WP5 sent to all partners in November 2012 PP4 DELTA 2000  Coordination of activities, collecting information about events etc. Within the end of February 2013; and the preparation of a joint calendar within the end of March 2013 LP, PP1, PP2, PP3  organisation and realisation of salt events in each territory between – nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose,

5.3 Organisation of a events net »Sapore di Sale« / »Okus po soli« At the moment we don’t have information or input from partners about the events “Sapore di Sale”. -PP4 DELTA 2000 will send a template to collect the information about salt events - Each partner has to send the form filled in as soon as possible and possibly not late than April nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose,

5.3 Structure of template 2nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, PP name: Name of the event Date Place Short description of the event More information (web site of the event, contact, etc.) Activity planned about the event Other parnters involved

Promotional material about WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 PP4 DELTA 2000 have to create - Joint events calendar for saltworks visits in ita, slo, en languages - Joint events calendar about the salt events in ita, slo, en languages The papery instruments are always more out-of-date. New communication means are based on new technologies, internet and social networks. Means thet can be up-to-date easier. 2nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose,

Promotional material about WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 PROPOSAL Using the financial resources of budget lines for the joint calendar to create an app (for IOS and Android) based on the promotional brochure about the saltwork areas involved in the project. The app will also contain the calendar about salt events, study visits, and other events realized in the framework of the project  the paper version of the promotional brochure will be realised from the LP. The joint calendar about salt events, study visits, ecc will be published on the project website Total budget available  7.875,00 Euro 2nd Intermediate Meeting WP 5 Promotion and marketing – WP 5.1 & WP 5.3 Ref. 2/2009/ Ref. 2/2009 SALTWORKS Giancarlo Malacarne. Portorose, Considering that - the budget line will not have to change - that in the B.5 section we don’t have specify the number of copies of joint calendar this change will be a minor change (NOT a major change)

Thanks for the attention! Grazie per l’attenzione! Hvala za vašo pozornost! Giancarlo Malacarne Tel ND INTERMEDIATE MEETING Portorose, Progetto finanziato nell'ambito del Programma per la Cooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia , dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali Projekt sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Italija iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih sredstev Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze