Data Collection and Management Presented to IUCN Categories Summit, Almeria Spain 2007
2 WDPA New strategy for PA data management National Authorities WDPA Consortium GIS and other attribute Validation National List Verification Accreditation Expert Review Process National Data WDPA Consortium
3 We noted the following important points: Current challenges to data handling Importance of accurate data The role of finance including from industry The move to single central database, but with regional data nodes Clarifying where the greatest data anomalies exist to help bring information together The importance and role of the expert review process
4 We welcomed, reached consensus and endorsed the following new data handling innovations: The WDPA should be the paramount reporting system The ability to map the combined footprint of overlapping designations The ability to handle data at different scales – global, groups, to individual sites The value of the polygon as the lowest data level to record categories within sites (i.e. zones)
5 We recommend to plenary: That the CBD route be explored to strengthen and tighten obligations to develop the WCPA That the UN list evolve towards a national list/perspective as an embedded element of the WDPA