Categories I & II: Chair introduction Recalled key issues raised in the E-Forum (IUCN Summary): –Keeping names/terms (wilderness/ National Park) –Political & ecological significance of deleting/ modifying Categories –Lack of impact assesment of removing Categories or terms –Usefulness of a certification scheme Questions to be answered: –How adequate are these categories in guiding protected area planning & management? What needs to be changed/ improved? –How can these categories be better promoted and applied in policy, in national legislation & other levels? –How can the process for assigning these categories be improved?
Category I: Debate on differences among I a & I b associated with the Implementability issue. Solutions discussed: –Differenciate I a & I b categories as I & II.(Thus, further development of categories until c. VII) –Merging both in just one category (little support) –Keep them differenciated as they are (broad support) Under-representation of Category I in statistics: –(social, political, economic) reluctancy to assignate areas under such Categories –integrated under other Categories - normally National Parks using different Categories in zoning. Issue: How firm is the zonification under the PA? Consistency problems when assigning categories
Category II Debate: Flexibility vs Strictness regarding international standards for Assignment; Management Criteria & Implementation Practice –Broad consensus: strict criteria needed Orientative role of Criteria: does not impose anything to governments: flexibility. Asignation linked to Management objectives (conservation) Misuse of Cat.II due to its symbolic power
Horizontal issues & recommendations: Current problem on assigning categories: need to be addressed (30% PA without Assignment): –Innapropriate Management does not necesarily mean wrong Assignment –Asignation linked to management objectives –Debate on the proposal of setting a sort of complaint procedure regarding assignment Ask WCPA Task Force to mainstreaming the revision of categories: –Need of clear & harmonized structure: Primary Objetive, 2nd, 3rd… –Importance of adding good examples to definitions Appropriate Certification Scheme or Review needed Better communication needed to overcome the lack of knowledge of both the System & the Guidelines & lack of understanding among other sectors (lawers). Language: need of Universal Concepts (among different cat.) valid & understandable in different contexts (wilderness); use of synonims Nomenclature issue: names should remain (Guidelines for international standards)