Central Receiving Center FY Budget Worksession July 22, 2008
CRC Positive Community Impacts Consumer Perspective Partnerships Significant Budget Issues Summary of Unfunded Needs Presentation Outline
CRC Positive Community Impacts Consumer Perspective Partnerships Significant Budget Issues Summary of Unfunded Needs Presentation Outline
Pre CRC System of Care CONSUMER Mental Health Baker Act Substance Abuse Marchman Act Law Enforcement Officer Orlando Regional Hospital Emergency Room Florida Hospital Emergency Room Health Central Jail Center for Drug Free Living Addiction Receiving Facility (ARF) Lakeside Behavioral Healthcare
Permanent Housing Shelter + Care HUD, SRO Low income Central Receiving Center Phase Two 3-6 months VOLUNTARY Phase Two CRC Center for Drug Free Living Detox 3-5 days Lakeside Behavioral Healthcare Crisis Stabilization Unit / Short-term Residential Treatment Unit 3-4 days ORH Behavioral Healthcare Florida Hospital Behavioral Healthcare Medical- Surgical Psychiatric 3-4 days Lakeside Behavioral Healthcare Hospital 3-4 days INVOLUNTARY Law Enforcement Officer Central Receiving Center < 23 hours CRC System of Care
Positive Community Impacts April June 2008 State of the art integrated receiving center Keeps consumers out of very expensive emergency departments – over 8,500 emergency room days saved Streamlines care for consumers placing them in most appropriate resources Manages scarce resources effectively and efficiently Offers opportunities to address other community issues - Phase Two CRC
Positive Community Impacts April June 2008 Law enforcement diverting consumers from the jail – active Crisis Intervention Team Training Nearly 54,000 jail bed days saved Keeping the most vulnerable out of jail and in treatment system Jail population increase equates to more mental health/substance abuse inmates Approximately 150 Baker Act patients received annually from the Orange County Jail
Positive Community Impacts Prior to the CRC, LEO would spend approximately hours with clients at an Emergency Department Savings: $1.2M over the last 5 years =27 Additional Positions
CRC Positive Community Impacts Consumer Perspective Partnerships Significant Budget Issues Summary of Unfunded Needs Presentation Outline
Nelson Kull, Pathways Drop In Center President - CEO Diagnosed with schizophrenia in his early teens Advocate for those suffering from mental illnesses Graduate from the University of Central Florida Consumer Perspective
CRC Positive Community Impacts Consumer Perspective Partnerships Significant Budget Issues Summary of Unfunded Needs Presentation Outline
Rich Morrison, Regional Vice President, Florida Hospital The CRC Governing Board Participating Partners Relief of Hospital Emergency Departments CRC Vital Community Initiative Partnerships
CRC Governing Board Members The Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. The Honorable Lydia Gardner The Honorable Kevin Beary The Honorable Andy Gardiner The Honorable John Mica (Honorary) The Honorable Linda Stewart The Honorable Robert Wesley Mr. Bud Brewer Ms. Carolann Duncan Mr. Roger Duryea Mrs. Deborah Kirkwood Mr. Richard Irwin Mr. Dick Jacobs Mr. Jerry Kassab Mr. Michael Mathes Ms. Joan Nelson Ms. Mary McKinnon Mr. Richard Morrison Mr. William Vose Mrs. Mary I. Johnson Mr. Bill Owen Mrs. Alana Brenner
Department of Children and Families Lakeside Behavioral Healthcare The Center for Drug Free Living Human Services Associates Florida Hospital and Orlando Regional Healthcare Partnerships
CRC Positive Community Impacts Consumer Perspective Partnerships Significant Budget Issues Summary of Unfunded Needs Presentation Outline
Significant Budget Issues Gains Via State Appropriations FY 05 - $2.8M ADDED: 20 Mental Health Crisis Beds 6 Detox beds 7 Case Managers 10 Residential Substance Abuse beds FY 06 - $3.0M Kept the resources from previous year
Significant Budget Issues FY 07 – Appropriation cut to $2.25M LOSS: 10 Crisis Mental Health beds 3 Detox beds 6 Residential substance abuse beds FY 08 – Appropriation cut to $500,000 (As of July 1, 2008) LOSS: 17 Mental Health beds Case management program Some services out of CRC Fidelity of the CRC model Total Reduction of ($1.75M) from State
CRC Positive Community Impacts Consumer Perspective Partnerships Significant Budget Issues Summary of Unfunded Needs Presentation Outline
Summary of Unfunded Needs Request Appropriation of $2.0M to replace State funding for the Central Receiving Center System of Care
Central Receiving Center FY Budget Worksession July 22, 2008