Population in Somalia
Somalia Somalia is a country located at the horn of Africa. The population is mainly Muslim..
So, what is population? The population of a country/region is the number of people inhabiting it. It is a group of individuals occupying a particular geographic area. Populations may vary according to size of land and living conditions.
How is population measured? It is calculated by using the death rate and birth rate to give an estimated population growth statistic. If there are more deaths than births there is a decline, and if there are more births than deaths then there is a population increase.
What is meant by birth and death rates? Birth rate: The ratio of total live births to total population in a specified community or area over a specified period of time. Death rate: The ratio of total deaths to total population in a specified community or area over a specified period of time.
What factors affect population? Birth/Death rates Urbanization: Birth rates rise because people have more access to medical care in cities Death rates fall in urban areas because medical services and education are economically high. Emancipation of women: Women spending their time and effort on work, seeking high paid jobs. Women gaining their rights such as voting and participating in political and democratic events. These factors delay child bearing age and fewer children being born per woman. Agricultural changes: Free up workers from farms. Allows industrialization which needs workers and tends to promote high birth rates. Manufacturing goods which promotes birth rates as people are sure they can feed their children. Education: Simple programs in hygiene can impact upon death rates, while family planning education can reduce birth rates. As education levels increase people tend to have fewer children so that they can focus their resources in improving the life chances of those few children.
Population growth in Somalia The population growth rate in Somalia is 3.38%
Statistics proving rapid population growth in Somalia: Every Somali family has more than 5 children. In fact, their fertility rate is approximately 7 children per female. Somali experiences of parenting are affected by social, cultural, economic and environmental circumstance. Life expectancy: 47 years (male: 45; female: 48)
Population with access to safe water: 37% School enrolment: primary education 6-11 years: 50% School enrolment: secondary education: 7% School enrolment: tertiary education years: 1% Vehicles: 1 per 1000
…and we think we face problems in our lives which saddens us. Did you see what the poor Somalis have to go through? Were really are truly blessed