Discussion of topic VI Censuses Work Session on Data Editing Vienna, April 21 st -23 rd 2008 Heather Wagstaff & Thomas Burg
Summary of papers (I) Invited Papers Canada Canadian Census E&I – Lessons learned from 2006 with plans for Possible changes for next Census Better analytical possibilities for experts Austria Data imputation and estimation for the Austrian Register-based census Testing of imputation procedures Evaluation methods
Summary of papers (II) Supporting Papers United Kingdom Towards the 2011 UK Census Editing Strategy Quality study of 2001 Census and its implication for the 2011 strategy Ensuring estimation quality (for instance for small populations) New Zealand Evaluating Imputations of Sex and Age for Substitutes in Substitute Households Evaluation of imputation quality of some items Role of census coverage surveys
Summary of papers (III) Supporting Papers (ctd.) USA Further Improvements to an Edit & Imputation System for the 2007 US Census of Agriculture Avoiding problems from last time – aggressive testing plan Quality control
Some issues Transition: Conservative Census Register Based Census Improvement Strategies for big surveys as censuses are Learning from prior projects Analysis Providing Tools for evaluation of the E&I process and/or analyzing its impact
Possible questions The learning process using information from prior censuses seems to move us into the right direction. Can there be seen a general line for developing E&I strategies? Are the users of census figures and/or subject matter statisticians provided with enough information concerning the data cleaning processes? Considering the transition to register based censuses. Is there a need of further research to investigate the impact of record linkage to E&I? Can ex-post studies (like census coverage surveys) be a helpful tool to improve the processes and/or to evaluate the results?
Thank you for the discussion and all authors for their contribution!