30-Minute Business Plan
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there
Plan of Action Goals Specific Measurable Time Oriented
Plan of Action Strategies Long –Term Short-Term 2-3 years Next 12 months
What Gets Measured Gets Done! Plan of Action Measures Baseline Current Experience Tools in Place What Gets Measured Gets Done!
Plan of Action Budget Money Resources Estimate Expenditure People Process
Plan of Action Accountability Who When Deadline
30 Minute Plan Goal Strategy Measure Budget Accountable
30 Minute Plan Goal Strategy Measure Budget Accountable Increase internet sales by 20% next 3 months
30 Minute Plan Goal Strategy Google AdWord Campaign Optimize web site Increase internet sales by 20% next 3 months Google AdWord Campaign Optimize web site Free Shipping on orders over $50 Post weekly blog
30 Minute Plan Goal Strategy Measure Google AdWord Campaign Increase internet sales by 20% next 3 months Google AdWord Campaign Google Click throughs Optimize web site Google page rank www.googlepagerankchecker.com Free Shipping on orders over $50 Sales >$50 compared to last month Post weekly blog 1 on blog, 1 other blog sites
30 Minute Plan Goal Strategy Measure Budget Google AdWord Campaign Increase internet sales by 20% next 3 months Google AdWord Campaign Google Click throughs $150 Optimize web site Google page rank www.googlepagerankchecker.com $500 Free Shipping on orders over $50 Sales >$50 compared to last month $650 Post weekly blog 1 on blog, 1 other blog sites $0
30 Minute Plan Goal Strategy Measure Budget Accountable Increase internet sales by 20% next 3 months Google AdWord Campaign Google Click throughs $150 Me – Monday each week Optimize web site Google page rank www.googlepagerankchecker.com $500 Me - Friday Free Shipping on orders over $50 Sales >$50 compared to last month $650 Check 1st and 3rd Monday Post weekly blog 1 on blog, 1 other blog sites $0 Me - Monday
30 Minute Plan Goal Strategy Measure Budget Accountable Increase internet sales by 20% next 3 months Google AdWord Campaign Google Click throughs $150 Me – Monday each week Optimize web site Google page rank www.googlepagerankchecker.com $500 Me - Friday Free Shipping on orders over $50 Sales >$50 compared to last month $650 Check 1st and 3rd Monday Post weekly blog 1 on blog, 1 other blog sites $0 Me - Monday
Business Strategic Plan Goal Strategy Measure Accountable The general public and especially clients will recognize and experience the Network as the absolute best resource for entre-preneurs who are serious about growing their businesses. Every employee is responsible for delivering consistently Short-term: Provide excellent customer service. Ensure that employee skill sets match evolving customer expectations and the dynamic operating environment through annual training, updating of new employees’ required skill sets, and open communication throughout the organization. Offer unique, contemporary, valued-added services consistently across offices & divisions (e.g., consistent descriptions and pricing).. Promote client success stories. Consistently high scores across the state: Consultants’ min. goal of 90% top two box score for “overall,” “use again,” and “would recommend.” Intended professional development should be noted in work plans (with budgets). Record Professional Development in CIS Client Satisfaction Scores produced quarterly. Professional development to be initiated throughout the year. Timelines will vary from project to project, but will be tracked on Quickbase. Client success stories due quarterly
“It’s a socialist idea that making profits is a vice; I consider the real vice is making losses.” - Winston Churchill
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