Web Design 2008 – 2009 August 27, 2008
Web Design Welcome Mr. Williams –Teacher 3D Graphics and Game Engines –UC Berkeley and UCLA Extension Scripting Technologies, Async. JavaScript & XML –UCLA Extension online –Professional Develop 3D Graphics Engines Some web site development
Web Design Students Freshman? Sophomores? Jrs? Srs? First day of school: –Glad to be back, see friends, resume activities –Summer went by too fast / was too short –Feel stressed? grades / college / thinking of future careers / tough schedule / new school? Family / friends / peer pressure / relationships? Students in: –Drama/Music? Athletics? Student Govt? Clubs?
Web Design Goals: Web Design Build server-driven web sites –Search, Update, Insert and Delete data to/from Databases. –Learn latest web technologies Client-side web sites –HTML –JavaScript for forms. –Cascading Style Sheets for easy-to-modify sites. –Web graphics –Video, Audio for the web –Flash ActionScript
Web Design Rules All MBUSD / MCHS rules apply –No cell phones, ipods, ear-plugs, wearing of hoods or sunglasses, etc. Remove them when bell rings. Confiscation and detention –Be ready to learn Always bring a pencil, notebook and paper. –No food Detention
Web Design Rules (continued) Be respectful, disciplined Mira Costas worst attribute No foul language or Disruptive Behavior MCHS Discipline Matrix sites 1 st occurrence as Detention. Cheating – dont! Only a calculator, scratch paper, pens and/or pencils, bottled water and the test itself may be on your desk during a test. No restroom breaks during class Except on test-days after you have turned in your test.
Web Design Emergencies Earthquake Get under your desk Keep away from windows Cover your head, use hands behind your neck. Lockdown Lights out, curtains closed Fire Drill Follow teacher, stay together Rooms 7 – 12 assembly area is lower park lot, east side of auditorium. We actually have six exits
Web Design Scoring Grades: –Homework / Class work: 50% –Tests: 15% –Special Projects: 20% –Mid-Terms, Final: 15% Grade criteria: Clarity, well-written, no misspellings or typos, legible. Math steps and equations clearly shown. Grading on a curve Late Assignments –Automatic 20% off – prevents copying a returned assignment. –Add 20% for each month thereafter –Always accept late assignments
Web Design Scoring – Special Projects 1 st Term –Programming / Technical emphasis 2 nd Term –Art / Design emphasis Special Projects are tbd
Web Design Extra Credit –Art exhibits (5 pts) MOCA, Getty, other major gallery –Any activity you think worthy, talk to me. –Beating Palos Verdes H.S. on API test (2 pts)
Web Design Tests Open Notes, PC available tbd –Equations made available on the test –Cheating….will be dealt with severely. –Have the entire period When completed, read a book, go to restroom
Web Design How to ruin your grade: class scores: –99.9% –94.7% –93.7% –90.6% –90.2% –89.48% (plagiarism, late work) –88.6% (late work) –86.9% (plagiarism) –69.8% –68.3% –67.6% –57.6%
Web Design Issues and Concerns…. Requires some Math Develop Programming Skills Art skills useful, not required. Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions on Course –Always encouraged. –Keep criticisms constructive. –If its an area of concern, see your Principle, Vice Principles or Education Advisor(s). Dont contact UCLA regarding course issues.
Web Design Course Overview Server-side development –HTML, Forms. –JavaScript to read forms, write to form data. –PHP to control the server, read form data after hitting submit button. –SQL (Structured Query Language) to read/write to databases. Client-side development –Revisit HTML –Insert images –Cascading Style Sheets –XML –Multimedia: Flash, 3D, Audio, Video