EUPM -Public Opinion Poll in Bosnia and Herzegovina- April, PRISM RESEARCH Obala Kulina Bana 15/ Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina Phone: Fax:
Research method
Demographic characteristics of the sample
EUPM Q1. Using the scale from 1 “know nothing at all”, to 10 “know a great deal”, how much do you feel you know about European Union, its policies and its institutions?
-Average values on the scale from 1 (know nothing at all) to 10 (know a great deal)- N = Number of respondents M= Average value (Mean)
-Comparison with the results from survey- scale
Q2. Have you heard of...?
-Only “Yes”- N = 1500
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “Yes”-
Q3. And for each of the following European bodies, do you think it plays an important role or not in the life of the Bosnia and Herzegovina?
-All respondents- N = 1500
-Federation B&H- N = 874
-Republic of Srpska- N = 594
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “Important role”-
Q4. What do you think are the two most important issues facing B&H at the moment?
N = 1500
-Comparison with he results from survey-
Q5. And for each of the following issues in B&H, do you think that the European Union plays a positive role, a negative role or neither positive nor negative role?
-All respondents- N = 1500
-Federation B&H- N = 874
-Republic of Srpska- N = 594
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “Positive role”-
Q6. Please look at the list of the following institutions and rank them by the influence they have in B&H. The first mentioned should be the one that has most influence and the last mentioned the one that has least influence, according to your opinion.
N = Average rank (the smaller the value, the higher the influence)-
- Comparison with the results from survey- -Average rank (the smaller the value, the higher the influence-
Q7. Please choose the institution from the list for which you think is responsible for each issue?
N = 1500
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “EUPM”-
Q8. How do you perceive the each one of these reforms/projects regard to its effectiveness?
-All respondents- N = 1500
-Federation B&H- N = 874
-Republic of Srpska- N = 594
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “Very effective”-
Q9. According to your opinion, which of these institutions have: 1- very negative, 2- somewhat negative 3-neither positive nor negative, 4- somewhat positive or 5 - very positive role in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
-All respondents- N = 1500
-Federation B&H- N = 874
-Republic of Srpska- N = 594
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Average value on the scale from 1 (Very negative) to 5 (Very positive)-
Q10. For each of the following statements about the EUPM could you please tell me whether you think it is true or false?
-All respondents- N = 1500
-Federation B&H- N = 874
-Republic of Srpska- N = 594
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “True”-
Q11. What do you think are the three most important duties regard to EUPM in B&H?
N = 1500 Three answers possible Only responses with more than 10% of respondents on the level of B&H are presented
-Comparison with the results from survey-
Q12. And for each of the following issues, do you think that the EUPM plays a positive role, a negative role or neither positive nor negative role?
-All respondents- N = 1500
-Federation of B&H- N = 874
-Republic of Srpska- N = 594
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “Positive role”-
Q13. From that list of issues, could you tell me what should be, for you, the three actions that the EUPM should follow in priority?
N = 1500 Three answers possible Only responses with more than 10% of respondents on the level of B&H are presented
-Comparison with the results from survey-
Q14. On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way EU Police Missions works in B&H?
N = 1500
-Comparison with the results from survey-
Q15. For each of the following statements, can you please tell me whether you tend to agree or tend to disagree?
N = Only “Agree”- -All respondents-
N = 874 -Only “Agree”- -Federation B&H-
N = 594 -Only “Agree”- -Republic of Srpska-
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “Agree”-
Q16. Generally speaking, do you think that the B&H media talk too much, about the right amount or too little about the EUPM?
N = 1500
-Comparison with the results from survey-
Q17. And do you think that the B&H media present the EUPM, too positively, objectively or too negatively?
N = 1500
-Comparison with the results from survey-
LOCAL POLICE Q18. Let us now talk about local police forces. What do you think are the most important issues facing local police forces at the moment?
N = 1500 More than one answer possible
Q19. And what do you think are three most important?
N = 1500 Three answers possible
-Comparison with the results from survey-
Q20. From the following which personally do you think is the most serious form of criminal activity presently affecting B&H?
N = 1500
-Comparison with the results from survey-
Q21. For each of the following statements, can you please tell me whether you tend to agree or tend to disagree.
N = Only “Agree”- -All respondents-
N = 874 -Only “Agree”- -Federation B&H-
N = 594 -Only “Agree”- -Republic of Srpska-
-Comparison with the results from survey- -Only “Agree”-
Q22. On the whole, do you feel very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way local police works?
N = 1500
Q23. In generally, do you think that local police, within next 12 months, will be...?
N = 1500
-Comparison with the results from survey-
CAMPAIGNS Q24. Have you noticed this campaign of EUPM? (Antidrugs campaign)
-Only “Yes”- N = 1500
-Only “Yes”- N = 1500
Q25. Where have you noticed this campaign? Only respondents who said they have noticed the campaign
N = 911 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
Q26. In your opinion, to what extend this campaign was effective in terms of transferring the message to the public in general? Only respondents who said they have noticed the campaign
N = 911 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
-Only “Very and somewhat effective”- N = 911 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
Q27. To what extent did the campaign affected you personally? Only respondents who said they have noticed the campaign
N = 911 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
-Only “In a great deal and fairly”- N = 911 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
Q28. Have you noticed this campaign of EUPM? (Police accountability)
-Only “Yes”- N = 1500
-Only “Yes”- N = 1500
Q29. Where have you noticed this campaign? Only respondents who said they have noticed the campaign
N = 786 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
Q30. In your opinion, to what extend this campaign was effective in terms of transferring the message to the public in general? Only respondents who said they have noticed the campaign
N = 786 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
-Only “Very and somewhat effective”- N = 786 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
Q31. To what extent did the campaign affected you personally? Only respondents who said they have noticed the campaign
N = 786 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
-Only “In a great deal and fairly”- N = 786 Only respondents who said they noticed the campaign
Q36. And, how would you describe your opinion about the presence of EU Police Mission in general, in B&H? Would you describe it as very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative?
N = 1500
-Only “Very and somewhat positive”- N = 1500
Q37. The mandate of EU Police Mission in B&H ends December 31st Do you think EU Police Mission should prolong it’s mandate in B&H after this date?
N = 1500
-Only “Yes”- N = 1500
Q38. Why do you think so? Only respondents who think that EUPM mandate should be prolonged
N = 733 Only respondents who think the EUPM mandate should be prolonged
Q39. Should the involvement of EU Police Mission in it’s new mandate should be greater, the same or lower than it is now? Only respondents who think the EUPM mandate should be prolonged
N = 733