Strengthening Workers’ Organization in Arab Countries through economic, social and legal literacy General Context and Objectives
Outline General Observations General Context of the Project The Objectives of the Project Mechanisms of implementation
General Observations All projects and programs in the Arab Region ought to take into consideration the violent social and political shocks that Arab countries have and are already undergoing. The Workers’ Literacy project is an attempt to respond to emerging needs in Arab Countries in light of the recent situation in the Arab Countries. The objectives of the project were set in light of an objective analysis of the ongoing general context.
General Context I.The failure of the socio-economic model Failure of the existing economic development model to generate jobs Increasing unemployment, especially amongst youth Adoption of flexible employment and atypical work Decreasing of real wages and restrictive economic measures. Widespread corruption (the fruits of growths only benefit those who are close to the regime) Despite the economic growth rates, there is no social development.
General Context II.Repressive policies Replacing dialogue with police oppression Absence of workers’ representation Domination and control of trade unions Absence of free media Exclusion of social categories Dialogue moved to the streets as dialogues institutions are either weak or absent.
General Context III. Disappointment of workers, trade unions and NGOs towards the new governments: Government’s reneging on fundamental rights that were acquired through years of struggle Failure of employment, economic, and social dialogue policies Constant tension between the authorities and civil society (parties, trade unions, etc.) The failure to reach a new social contract that breaks away from the previous failed development model
The Objectives of the Project The project includes 11 Arab Countries -Lebanon -Jordan -Yemen -Syria -Palestine -Bahrain -Sultanate of Oman -Kuwait -Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -Qatar -United Arab Emirates I.Institutionalizing of social dialogue: -Supporting workers in establishing representatives trade unions. -Supporting trade unions to achieve independence, democracy and representativeness. II.Capacity building for trade unions: in order to play its role in struggling towards better working conditions and economic and social policies. III.Focus on marginalized workers (women, youth and migrant workers) IV.Networking and coordination between trade unions and NGOs.
Mechanisms -Multi-perspective workshops that emanate from a central question: What role should the trade unions play in light of the current socio-economic situation. -Training of Trainers -Regional workshops on: -Trade union rights and freedoms -Women -Youth -Economic literacy booklets -Publications pertaining of the important relevant issues such as: labour legislations and economic changes.
Conclusion In light of the difficult and challenging context in the Arab region, the project aims at supporting trade unions in their struggle towards an inclusive society based on: Democracy Freedom of Expression, Opinion and association Social Justice and equality