-What is it? It comes from the rain. We use it to wash our clothes. It is very important. We need it everyday. It has no smell or colour. We can find it.


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Presentation transcript:

-What is it? It comes from the rain. We use it to wash our clothes. It is very important. We need it everyday. It has no smell or colour. We can find it almost everywhere.

1.What do we use water to do? 2.What will happen if there is no water? 3.What should we do now? Why? 4.How can we save water? 5.What do you think of water?

What do we use water to do? What do we use water to do ? farmers cooks ……

What will happen if there is no water? If there is no water, we will die.

What should we do?

We can save water by (not)……

It is …… very precious ( 珍贵的 ) limited ( 有限的 ) very useful …… very important It can give us a lot of fun. We can not live without it.

We can use water to wash face. Firemen can use water to put out fires. We should save water. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. We can save water by not playing water games. Water is very important. If there is no water, we will die. Water is becoming less and less.

water Water is very important. We can use water to wash face. Firemen can use water to put out fires. If there is no water, we will die. Water is becoming less and less. We should save water. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. We can save water by not playing water games. We should not waste it.

转折: however / but 递进: what’s more / besides / also 列举: such as / for example 因果: so / therefore / because / for these reasons ( 因为这些原因 ) 总结: in short / in a word / all in all in my opinion / I think as we all know ( 众所周知 ) 时间: from now on ( 从现在起 )

water Water is very important. We can use water to wash face. Firemen can use water to put out fires. If there is no water, we will die. Water is becoming less and less. We should save water. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. We can save water by not playing water games. We should not waste it. in short ( 简而言之 ) however so from now on ( 从现在起 ) as we all know ( 众所周知 ) Group discussion

water As we all know, Water is very important. We can use water to wash face. Firemen can use water to put out fires. If there is no water, we will die. However, water is becoming less and less. So we should save water from now on. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. We can save water by not playing water games. In short, we should not waste water.

Water As we all know, water is very important to all living things. We can use water to do a lot of things. For example, we can use water to wash our faces. Firemen can use water to put out fires. If there is no water, we will die soon. However, water is becoming less and less. So we should save water from now on. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. Besides, we can save water by not playing water games. In short, water is very precious, we should not waste water.

1.What do we use water to do? 2.What will happen if there is no water? 3.What should we do now? Why? 4.How can we save water? 5.What do you think of water?

Assignment: 1.Finish the writing “Water” and try to make your writing more beautiful! 2.Write a passage about “Trees”, try to use the ways we learn today.Trees

Some clues 1. take in CO 2 and release O 2 吸收二氧化氮并且释放氧气 2. best fighters against pollution 抗击污染斗士 3. natural air- conditioners 大自然的净化器 4. make the streets more beautiful and less noisy 5. keep sandstorms ( 沙尘暴 ) away 6. cut down 砍伐


water Water is very important. We can use water to wash face. Firemen can use water to put out fires. If there is no water, we will die. Water is becoming less and less. We should save water. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. We can save water by not playing water games. Water is very useful. We should not waste it.